Gavin and Stacey star Joanna Page details being held hostage by taxi driver who demanded nude photos

Joanna Page has opened up about a life-threatening situation she faced when she was a young actress – being held hostage by a taxi driver who demanded nude photographs.

The Gavin and Stacey star, 46, was filming a costume drama in South Africa when the incident occurred. She revealed that she'd been given a driver and chaperone and told not to go out alone but left the hotel by herself one evening.

Speaking to the Times, she added: “I was dropped off at the hotel and told not to go out anywhere alone, but one night I was so bored in the hotel I decided to take a taxi to go out shopping.

"The receptionist called me a cab but kept telling me it was a bad idea. I went to a shopping centre and when it got to about 5.30pm the mood just completely changed.

"I was stranded without the number of my chaperone and had no idea how to get back so got into a random taxi. The driver drove me around for about an hour and refused to take me back to the hotel. He was saying all sorts of stuff and that he wanted to drive me somewhere to take nude photos of me."

She admitted that she feared for her life that night and that although she was trying to make the cab driver laugh, she kept thinking she was going to die.

In the end, she managed to get her driver to take her back to the hotel and revealed she'd never been so glad to get out of a car alive.

Despite the scary experience she had, she had an amazing rest of her trip, going whale-watching with actors Charles Dance and Sam Neill.

Joanna has enjoyed great success in her career, playing Stacey in Gavin and Stacey and a number of other roles. She has four children with Emmerdale actor and husband James Thornton – Eva, Kit, Noah and Boe.

They’re also doggy parents to sweet pups Lola and Bess. The actress is tight-lipped about the kids but has shared some glimpses of family life on her Instagram, revealing the comical moments of being a mum.

From sugary cake making to doggy cuddles and cheeky peeks at the children, her Instagram gives us a sweet insight into motherhood.

Behind closed doors, life for the beaming actress looks dreamy. The star has shared sweet pictures of her little ones’ feet, and her son posing in a fluffy bobble hat.

She’s a top den maker, creating forts from the kids’ duvets, too!

Joanna is one of many celebrity parents who have read a CBeebies Bedtime Story on TV – we bet she’s the best mum!

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