Leah Messer: Why Is Her New House Only In Jaylan Mobleys Name?

From the very beginning of their relationship, Leah Messer and Jaylan Mobley have been zipping past the usual relationship milestones at breakneck speed.

Rumors that Leah is pregnant with Jaylan’s baby appear to be unfounded, but the couple is making major strides in just about every other way.

Fans remain convinced that Messer and Mobley are engaged, and while there’s been no announcement to that effect, it makes sense that Leah would want to keep such a development under wraps.

After all, this is a woman who’s endured two high profile divorces.

An experience like that would make anyone a little cautious.

But even though they’re keeping their engagement status on the DL, these two have excitedly updated fans on other steps that they’ve taken in their relationship.

Most recently, Jaylan bought Leah a house, which is quite the important step.

According to UK tabloid The Sun, Mobley shelled out $500,000 for the 6,000-square foot property.

Yes, readers in many parts of the country are probably on the verge of hurling their phone at a wall after learning that half a mil can buy you a 6,000-square foot house in West Virginia.

So the good news for Leah is that she lives in one of the few buyers’ markets remaining in America.

The bad news is, it seems that Jaylan bought the house without putting her name on the deed.

That could wind up presenting a problem, of course.

Leah and Jaylan are not married, and as far as we know, they don’t have any immediate plans to change that.

So Leah is taking quite a risk moving in with Jaylan, despite the fact that the two of them have been dating for less than a year.

Not surprisingly, Reddit commenters have been quite critical of Messer for taking a chance that could negatively impact her three daughters.

“I hope she maintains another residence in case things go bad. What if they break up? It’s HIS house. He can kick her and the girls out with nowhere to go,” one person wrote, according to The Sun.

“You’d hope he would never do that but people change when things go sour. Leah has a history of being a cheater too.”

“She is moving her girls in with ANOTHER man? Those poor kids,” another added.

“It’s got to be an April Fools Joke, because ain’t no way boy, boy ain’t no way! Lol,” a third chimed in.

Others wrote that while they’re happy for Leah and Jaylan, they feel that these two should probably be a bit more cautious, as every decision they make directly affects Leah’s kids.

“I like Leah but she moves fast it gives me whiplash,” one redditor observed.

“Why do these two buy homes with people they’re not married to- when they have been dating a few months and have been divorced twice… Jesus god, Leah,” another noted, echoing a common catchphrase from Leah’s wilder days.

Ms. Messer has certainly calmed down and straightened out a lot in recent years.

But there’s no denying that moving into a house she doesn’t legally own with three kids and a man she’s not married to is quite a gamble.

We hope it works out for her.

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