Prince Harry Telling Friends He ‘Can’t Believe His Life Has Been Turned Upside Down’: SOURCE

All of our lives have gotten more stressful of late, but for Prince Harry things were already pretty hectic before the pandemic hit.

With stepping away from his Royal duties, not one but TWO moves to TWO new countries, the launch of a new brand and new charitable endeavors, multiple lawsuits, all on top of being a first-time dad… It’s a lot.

One can’t blame him for longing for the simpler days of taking orders and being just one of the guys in the Army.

A source spilled to The Daily Telegraph that’s exactly what Harry has been sharing with his inner circle:

“Harry has told friends he is really missing the Army as well his military appointments. He misses the camaraderie of being in the forces.”

Harry has not been shy about being proud of his military career — and he should be. The Duke of Sussex served in the Army for about 10 years, basically his entire 20s. He did two tours in Afghanistan, where he served as a helicopter pilot. He was described as an “exemplary soldier,” eventually rising to the rank of Captain before eventually ending his active service in 2015.

Now his life is… considerably different.

Since becoming engaged to American actress Meghan Markle, he has become the biggest target of tabloids in the Royal family, eventually feeling the need to step into a more private life to avoid it all. The source claims:

“He has been telling friends he still can’t believe this has happened. He can’t believe his life has been turned upside down.”

For Harry, we’ve heard the biggest loss from Megxit was the removal of his title as Captain General of the Royal Marines. It was a ceremonial position he inherited from Prince Phillip, but his ties to the military were very real.

The insider continues:

“He was in a happy place when he was serving in the Army, then he met Meghan and since then life has been great. But I don’t think he foresaw things turning out quite as they did.”

Did anyone??

The source does, however, want to make it clear Harry is in no way blaming Meghan; he understands why she wanted to return home.

“There is just a sense that he might have been better protected if he was still in the Army.”

Harry would actually feel safer in the armed forces? Inneresting.

We hope his continued work with the Invictus Games and the newly launched HeadFIT, an initiative to help armed services personnel physically and mentally fit even when they aren’t serving, keep him tied to the Army enough to keep him level-headed.

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