Prince Harry to Partner with Goldman Sachs and Rake in Millions: Report

It sounds very much like Prince Harry is gonna be just fine, folks.

There doesn’t appear to be a reason to worry.

The handsome redhead and his polarizing wife, Meghan Markle, announced several weeks ago of course that they’re done with the Royal Family.

They’ve had it with the annoying duties and the silly titles and the pointless obligations and, most of all, the heaps of criticism that have come their way ever since getting married in May of 2018.

As part of this agreement to step away from Queen Elizabeth and company, Meghan and Harry will no longer be supported by taxpayer money in Great Britain.

Indeed, they’ll be financial independent.

There’s an asterisk here, of course.

For one thing, Harry has a great deal of money leftover to him from his mother’s will and, for another, we believe his father will still be supporting him in some monetary fashion.

But also: Harry is out there raking in his own big bucks, as well.

Last week, for example, various outlets reported on the speech Harry gave at an event organzied by investment bank JP Morgan, allegedly earning close to $1 million as a result and also earning a great deal of backlash for going against his environmental values.

And now, The Mirror is writing about a possible partnership between Harry and yet another giant investment bank, Goldman Sachs.

The Duke of Sussex first held talks with Goldman Sachs in November, according to the Mirror, with negotiations reportedly centering around Harry becoming a high-profile speaks at the banks “Talks at GS” series.

To be clear, speakers are not paid for their appearance here.

However, insiders told the aforementioned newspaper that it will pave the way for a lucrative future relationship between the parties.

Previous speakers in this series have included such big names as Gwyneth Paltrow and Dropbox co-founder and CEO Drew Houston.

A royal source confirmed these talks to the Daily Mail — yet insisted it was on behalf of one of Harry’s charitable patronages.

So who the heck knows at this point, you know?

It does sound, however, as if Meghan and Harry may eventually settle in Los Angeles, although they’re currently spending most of their time in Canada.

There’s little doubt they’ll have plenty of opportunities, many of which may sully the Royal Brand, some folks who care about The Crown fear.

“They’re going to earn fortunes, whether through speeches or ambassador work — these are £1billion handshakes,” PR guru Mark Borkowski told the UK publication.

Will they do so while maintaining their strong core values, however? Or will they become total sellouts?

We’ll soon find out.

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