The Cambridges Flop Tour criticism was unfair because they have a new team

Are we still talking about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s Caribbean Flop Tour? Yes. We will talk about it for as long as the crying-at-the-bridesmaid’s-dress-fitting story. That’s how important it is! That’s how devastating it was for the monarchy! The fact that William and Kate bungled a tour so badly, that they wandered around Caribbean nations, recoiling from Black folks and embracing chain-link-fence imagery… it was a catastrophe and one which William and Kate have to own entirely. Well, there was a curious little update in a larger Sunday Times royal update:

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s royal tour to the Caribbean had been billed as a window of opportunity for some positive headlines after a gloomy period for the monarchy. There had been concerns over the Queen’s health and police are continuing to investigate claims that Charles’ charity offered honours help to a Saudi citizen. There is no suggestion of wrongdoing by Charles. But the Cambridges’ visit to Belize, Jamaica and the Bahamas last month was scarred by public relations blunders and protests over colonialism.

There is still a sense that some of the criticism was unfair, particularly as the duke, 39, and duchess, 40, have a relatively new team. The couple have also faced additional pressure after the departure of the Sussexes and the interest in them is intense.

Despite being protective over their time with their children and carrying out fewer annual engagements than Charles and Princess Anne, 71, the Cambridges are said to be “focused”, with a clear understanding of the causes they want to champion.

Engagements and phone calls with aides take place around a schedule of school drop-offs and family dinners. “But they are very good at compartmentalising,” a source said, and will pick up work matters later on in the evenings and at weekends.

The insider said their axing of the “never complain, never explain” policy was less about defending themselves and more about acknowledging criticism and showing a willingness to change. In an unprecedented statement to end the tour, William had said that their role was supporting people “not telling them what to do” as he voiced an acceptance that he may not become head of the Commonwealth after his father.

“Sometimes, it’s okay to go, ‘Hands up, some of this wasn’t perfect and we have got to learn’,” the source said. “Not the bloody-minded ‘carry on and ignore it’ approach. That is the future. It’s accepting that there is healthy debate going on and that’s okay.”

[From The Times]

“There is still a sense that some of the criticism was unfair, particularly as the duke, 39, and duchess, 40, have a relatively new team…” You mean William and Kate can’t keep staff? You mean they are bad at hiring and retaining quality staffers who know how to do their jobs? Why is that considered a justifiable excuse for a couple of 40-year-olds? I think William and Kate’s hiring practices are awful too, but the Flop Tour was a disaster because of William and Kate. Also: pretty rich to blame staffing issues when these are the same people that ripped Meghan apart for “not being able to retain staff.”

“…Not the bloody-minded ‘carry on and ignore it’ approach…” I believe William is referring to “keep calm and carry on.” So he’s eschewing that as well. He refuses to stay calm. He refuses to carry on. He will throw tantrums whenever and wherever he likes!

Photos courtesy of Instar.

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