Twin YouTube Stars Plead Guilty in Bank Robbery Pranks

YouTube stars Alan and Alex Stokes are gonna dodge jail time for faking, and recording, a series of bank robberies in SoCal … now that they’ve both entered guilty pleas.

The twin brothers pled Wednesday to false imprisonment and reporting false emergencies, both misdemeanors, in their fake bank robberies case. In exchange for the guilty plea, the Orange County judge reduced their original felony false imprisonment charges to a misdemeanor.

The 24-year-old twins, who had been facing a maximum of 5 years in jail if convicted, were each sentenced to one year probation and 160 hours of community service.

As we reported … the YouTube stars were charged in August for staging the 2019 heists in Irvine, CA in order to produce a prank vid for their YouTube channel. One of the pranks led to cops holding an unsuspecting Uber driver at gunpoint.

The judge also ordered the twins to steer clear of the University of Irvine, where they shot one of the “robbery” videos.

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