Why You Need to Have Afro-Dominican Teen Rap Star J Noa on Your Radar This Year

As the rap sound continues to make waves across the globe — often far from the Black communities that birthed it — a young artist is emerging in the international scene, who is using the genre as a platform to speak up for her community. J Noa, a 17-year-old Dominicana from the San Cristóbal region, was recently signed to Sony Music Entertainment. Calling herself “La Hija del Rap,” she’s rising in the scene as an artist with a style that is reminiscent of the genre’s rebellious beginnings, all while adding her own fresh take, her native Spanish language, and authentic flow to the mix.

“With me being young, people are often like, ‘Wow, her with that age, she’s already with Sony?'” she tells POPSUGAR during an interview, reflecting on navigating the industry as a young teen. “But also because of my age and because I’m a girl, people don’t take me into account, and so it can be difficult to make it in this genre filled with men . . . it’s a little complicated, but that doesn’t stop me.”

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