Amanda Holden strips naked to teach you all about sex

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Amanda Holden has stripped naked in a promotional trailer for her new programme, Sex: A Bonkers History.

During an early clip from the show, she was made up to look like Cleopatra using a dark wig adorned with gold embellishments and heavy eye makeup.

In terms of clothes – well, there weren’t any that could be seen. Amanda doesn’t do things by halves, does she?

She rested in a bathtub while delivering a history lesson on the Egyptian queen.

‘Every sexual relationship was about gaining a strategic advance because, underneath that full face of makeup, which was actually made of crocodile dung, she was an intellectual heavyweight,’ she explained.

While casually leaning over the bathtub Amanda continued: ‘On the whole, history has been written by men so sorry Cleopatra, despite all your accomplishments, your savvy political maneuvering, and incredible intellect you’ll forever be remembered as the woman who bonked her way to the top.’

For the special teaser, the 52-year-old also used costume to transform into iconic women including Queen Elizabeth I and Marilyn Monroe.

To celebrate the show’s upcoming release in September, Amanda also dressed up as an angel – a look that is favoured by the Victoria’s Secret models.

For the epic transformation, Amanda wore silver stiletto heels, white lingerie, and she donned the famous angel wings.

Of course, Amanda posed up a storm and the resulting beautiful images were posted on Instagram.

The two photos quickly garnered thousands of likes and her famous pals piled the praise onto Amanda.

Former Strictly Come Dancing star Oti Mabuse said: ‘Mama said “my new show!!!!” 🔥🔥🔥 looking like a whole snack’.

‘That’s exactly what I’m wearing right now! X’ joked comedian Leigh Francis (AKA Keith Lemon).

Presenter Jenni Falconer definitely approved and gave high praise: ‘Victoria Secret catwalk next🔥🔥🔥’

Alan Carr got in on the action and wrote: ‘That’s no angel!!!! 😈❤️’

The educational programme will also be hosted by historian Dan Jones, who will ensure we all learn as much as possible about the sexual antics of our ancestors.

Speaking ahead of the show Amanda said: ‘Believe me when I say our generation knows nothing about sex compared to the debauched antics of our ancestors.

‘My goodness, I’ve really had my eyes opened, and had a real laugh, during the filming of this brilliant new series.’

‘I have left it to Dan Jones to get his hands dirty whilst I’ve been on the sidelines as a very entertained voyeur,’ she added.

‘Although perhaps shocking at times, Sex: A Bonkers History is a truly fascinating and intellectual insight into the last 2500 years of our sexual history. This is horrible histories for grown-ups.’

Viewers will be able to tune in to Sex: A Bonkers History on Sky History in September

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