ITV to air Contagion amid coronavirus panic and this isn't going to end well

ITV is set to air Contagion – a movie about a pandemic that sweeps the globe – later this week and we have a funny feeling this isn’t going to end well, given the current coronavirus outbreak.

Because what better to watch than a deadly pandemic taking over the globe when you’re in, well, a pandemic.

Contagion was released back in 2011 and follows the story of a deadly virus being discovered and soon becoming a global concern.

The movie, directed by Steven Soderbergh, stars Gwyneth Paltrow as Beth Emhoff, one of the first patients to contract the virus, Matt Damon as her husband Mitch and Marion Cotillard as Dr Leonora Orantes, an epidemiologist studying the virus.

Kate Winslet plays Dr Erin Mears, an epidemic intelligence officer, and Jude Law appears as Alan Krumwiede, a conspiracy theorist challenging the government.

Contagion was actually inspired by the outbreak of SARS back in 2002 and the Swine Flu pandemic back in 2009.

And its premise is all a little too close to home right now, given the coronavirus pandemic and emergency measures being put in place in countries all over the world.

Here in the UK, everyone is being advised to stay indoors, practice social distancing and self-isolate. Many are now working from home, schools have been closed and pubs, clubs, restaurants and gyms have all shut down.

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With that in mind, we can’t say Contagion is going to provide that light relief we’re all looking for, but hey, it has been praised for its scientific accuracy, so maybe it is worth a watch?

Tracey McNamara, who served as a scientific adviser on the film told BuzzFeed News, earlier this month: ‘I wish people had paid closer attention to it when the film came out, because it really was a warning to the federal government that this could happen and you need to prepare.’

Still, we won’t judge if the thought of watching makes you feel a lil funny and we’ve got your back.

Binge-watching in self-isolation has never been made easier, thanks to Netflix and these shows right here. You can thank us later…

Contagion airs on ITV2 at 9pm on Thursday 26 March.

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