Jessie Ware: All I want for Christmas is… one lovely lie-in, and more…

Welcome to’s All I want for Christmas is… series where we’re exploring our beloved famous faces’ deepest desires ahead of December 25.

Supper club queen and host with the most, Jessie Ware’s had quite the year of entertaining. 

Whether it be to festival crowds as they bop along to her chart-topping hits or A-List guests that spill their hearts out on an episode of her podcast, one thing’s for sure Ms. Ware knows how to throw a party. 

However, spinning plates is never easy and with a family of three children to look after the 38-year-old star’s ready to enjoy the festive break ahead of what she hopes will be a fun-filled 2023.

She reflected on the last 365 days and opened up about her future hopes and wishes alongside her plans for the BIG day…

So Jessie, let’s start with your biggest learning from the last year. How have your experiences affected the way you’re planning to approach 2023?

Oooh, have fun. I think I’ve been having a lot of fun and I want to have some more fun so that’s what I’m going to do. 

Being in the present and enjoying those moments is really important so yeah, I’m just going to have loads of fun next year.

Looking ahead, do you have any big hopes for the next 365 days? 

It’s going to be interesting. Next year, I’ve got a new record coming out and I’ve just been on tour for six months while still managing the podcast with the music. We make it work, but it’s just like I’m doing two full-time jobs. But that’s going to be interesting, balancing that out but because I love both of them. I love doing Table Manners and I love being a musician. 

I’m excited about who is going to approach us around Oscars season – usually they come a-knocking and we get a few stellar actors for the podcast. So let’s see who’s coming in for that. 

Also more hosting! More special time with my mates and making memories. I’m very lucky, I have two really fantastic jobs that mean that I get to interact with people constantly. That’s how I thrive. That’s how I like to do things so plenty more of that in 2023.

Can you ever see a world where you’ll have to drop one career for the other?

No, I don’t think so. We make it work. They’re both wonderful jobs and it’s manageable. We made it work in a pandemic, we can carry on – it’s fine!

On the topic of hosting, you seem to be a seasoned pro both in the kitchen and out – can you tell us how you stay on top of your game? 

I think a welcome drink is really good to do, whether that’s a glass of champagne, whether it’s a French 75 with Bombay Sapphire Premier Cru, it immediately feels like you’re being looked after. There’s an icebreaker with that welcome drink and it can feel like you’ve made a bit of an effort, but actually, it’s easy. 

I think having a really solid friend that can keep conversation flowing with people and can take the lead when you aren’t in the room is great. 

Serving sharing things in big bowls that people can just kind of dig into makes it a meet-up and feel a bit more relaxed and easy.

Speaking of making people feel relaxed, let’s chat Table Manners. Tell us your stand-out guests from the pod so far!

Baz Luhrmann was one of the most memorable guests. He comes in with this brilliant whirlwind energy and he was just really good fun and really honest and open and it felt like we had a huge star in our presence but yet, like an old friend too. 

Who else has been good? I loved meeting Rose Matafeo who created Starstruck. I’ve been a fan of hers and it was a nice way to capture her and have her in my kitchen for two hours, gossiping and having a lot of fun. 

I do use my podcast quite a lot of the time to try and make new friends, to be honest, and Rose Matafeo was one of them.

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