Robert Redford Makes Crystal Clear What He Thinks Of Donald Trump Ahead Of Election

Robert Redford is leaving no doubt about his choice in the 2020 presidential election.

Back in 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump twisted the movie legend’s comments to make it seem as if Redford had endorsed him. But in a column for CNN published on Wednesday, the famed actor and director made it crystal clear that he’s all in for Joe Biden in this November’s election.

In the op-ed, Redford lamented the “moral vacuum” in the Oval Office and called out Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric.

“Another four years of this would degrade our country beyond repair,” Redford warned.

The United States has “lost its place as a world leader,” during Trump’s presidency, he continued. And at home, the president has “found every fault line in America and wrenched them wide open.” 

Biden, wrote Redford, would bring unity, empathy, experience and intelligence back to the White House. The former vice president was “made for this moment,” he said.

“Biden leads with his heart. I don’t mean that in a soft and sentimental way,” Redford added. “I’m talking about a fierce compassion ― the kind that fuels him, that drives him to fight against racial and economic injustice, that won’t let him rest while people are struggling.” 

Redford has been a harsh critic of Trump’s disastrous handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Read Redford’s full column for CNN here.




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