Am I Settling? Here’s How To Tell, According To Women Who’ve Done It

OK, let’s get real. The question of "am I settling" isn’t exactly one that most of us want to utter out loud, but I bet it’s also one that’s crossed more than a few of our minds every now and then. If it’s crossing your mind in your current relationship, you’ve come to the right place because I come bearing some honest AF pearly words of wisdom from women who’ve been there.

In a recent Reddit AskWomen thread, women were asked to share when they realized they were settling in their relationships. And the women who responded did not hold back. Each one of them got brutally honest about the things in their relationship that made them realize that they were settling, whether they were keeping things from their friends or doing all of the work in the relationship.

You may find yourself relating to every single one of their responses and you might find yourself not relating to any of their responses at all. But what’s interesting here is that, while some of the women’s stories are similar, they’re pretty much all unique and different in their own way. Settling for you might mean something totally different than settling for someone else. Read along and, if nothing else, take their stories as a sign that you’re not alone.

If their relationship was a team, she’d be the MVP.


Their issues never went away.


An absence of cons was his only pro.


She went on a solo trip and didn’t miss him.


She couldn’t see him in her future.


She was constantly making excuses for him.


She wasn’t attracted to him.


He brought up divorce during the proposal.


She purposely spared her friends the details.


She was doing all of the work in the relationship.


He didn’t clean his house for months.


She would get excited when he couldn’t hang out.


They were using each other.


She was totally fine on her own.


She was jealous of her single friends.


He didn’t prioritize her.


Hanging with him felt like a chore.


The only thing keeping her in the relationship was money.


Everything her friends warned her about turned out to be true.


He had to be reminded to groom himself.


If you feel like you might be settling, take these women as your inspiration that you’re not alone and that there can be a light at the end of this tunnel.

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