Ban XL Bully dogs NOW, says ANDREW PIERCE

Ban XL Bully dogs NOW: Horrific footage of two men being attacked left ANDREW PIERCE shocked to his core – and he has one question for the Government… ‘How many more warnings do we need?’

How many more times are we going to read, see or hear of another child being monstered by a dog – and those dogs are those hideous XL Bullys.

They’ve got to be banned, and very quickly.

I was shocked to the core, as I am sure you were, over footage of a man being chased around a petrol station in Birmingham.

How much more warning and notice does the Government need to get a grip? 

Not only do I share some shocking statistics in the video below, but a story involving a five-year-old boy who was left with 17 life-changing injuries after being attacked by PUPPIES.

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