Brits are ditching prudish mentality and discussing sex and intimate things more openly

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More than half also believe it’s important to openly discuss sex, with 41 percent becoming more open to talking about the topic in the last decade.

And six in ten reckon more discussion on sexual wellness can only be a good thing.

It also emerged more than half of adults feel that more open conversation about sex could give people the confidence to tackle sexual wellness issues, reduce taboos around sexually transmitted infections, and help improve safer sexual practice.

The study was commissioned by industry body Love Fresh Berries, to mark the launch of “Luberry” – a free, limited-edition lubricant that raises awareness of the connection between blueberries and sexual wellness.

It also found men are almost three times more likely to have tried certain foods to improve their sexual wellness than women.

Yet, the overall proportion of adults trying foods to improve it remains low at just 12 percent – with only one in six aware that blueberries can have a positive effect.

Nutritionist Dr Emma Derbyshire, advisor to Love Fresh Berries, said: “Blueberries are a convenient, refreshing snack that are easy for couples to nibble on throughout the day.

“There is also some evidence that they could aid dopamine release in the brain, which may boost libido.

“What’s more, blueberries contain resveratrol – a naturally occurring antioxidant that could have potential therapeutic effects for men with unexplained fertility, with ongoing research needed.”

By normalising the discussion around sex, we can help lift the taboo on important sexual wellness issues that many suffer with in silence

Jo Hemmings, behavioural psychologist

The survey also found a quarter of adults talk about sexual wellness at least once a week, with men (32 percent) almost twice as likely to discuss the topic than women (18 percent) within this period.

But 43 percent of Brits are happy to explore the topic with friends – and one in six will even speak about it with colleagues.

Another 55 percent feel liberated by being able to talk freely about what goes on in the bedroom, with the same number believing it’s important to discuss it openly.

Of those, 44 percent believe talking freely about the topic will create a more open and positive society, with 49 percent of women feeling this way compared to 37 percent of men.

However, it’s not until you reach the age of 33 that you become confident talking all things sex, according to the OnePoll data.

Behavioural Psychologist Jo Hemmings, who is supporting the Love Fresh Berries campaign by industry body British Summer Fruits, said: “It’s encouraging to see research that shines a light on Brits’ shifting attitudes toward these topics.

“The creation of “Luberry” is a fun way to get Brits thinking about the relationship between food and their sexual wellness.

“Further research is needed, but blueberries contain antioxidants which may help to reduce oxidative stress – thought to be a risk factor for male infertility.

“And their high concentration of flavonoids may benefit anxiety and quality of life for mothers in the postnatal period, as well as helping reduce the risk of erectile disfunction in men.

“By normalising the discussion around sex, we can help lift the taboo on important sexual wellness issues that many suffer with in silence when they shouldn’t have to.”

Chief Executive of The British Urology Foundation, Rebecca Porta, added: “It is really encouraging to see a study into sexual wellness, and findings that show a general openness towards discussing such an important topic.

“So many factors can impact sexual wellness, from physical and mental health to emotional issues.

“Good communication, setting aside time to spend with your partner, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and making a few changes can all help.

“Remember to talk to your GP if you have concerns or worries about your sexual health.”

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