Carrie Underwood was already a country music icon and the founder of an activewear line—and now she can add author to the list, too, with the release of her new book, Find Your Path: Honor Your Body, Fuel Your Soul, and Get Strong With Fit52Life.
Another one of her superpowers: great skin. “What does she do to be this glow-y?” I sometimes ask myself. Luckily, Women’s Health sat down with the Grammy-Award winning artist for a game of “Once, Never, Forever” (a.k.a. the WH’s version of “f*ck, marry, kill”)—and she spills her skincare go-to, the diet she’d never try, and more.
For each category, WH gives Carrie three options—and she has to choose one that she’d try once, one that she’d never try, and one that she’d do forever.
Here are just a few of the tough decisions she had to make:
- Non-country music genres: Hip-hop, house music, or rock
- Semi-awkward social situations: Networking event, blind date, or zumba class
- Diets: Low-carb, high-fat, or high-protein
- Wines: red, white, or rose
I don’t want to spoil the video but…let’s me just tell you that hip-hop and house music are not going to be on Carrie’s Spotify playlist anytime soon.
And while Carrie says she is not opposed to CBD skincare, she’s allll about the sheet mask life.
Let’s be real, I know you want more info about Carrie’s hot takes (because, um, why wouldn’t you?). Watch the video to find out everything you’ve been needing to know and more.
TTYL, I’m about to go sheet mask and sleep.
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