Death of my grandmother has hit me hard, I don't think I will ever get over it

DEAR DEIDRE: MY grandmother died recently and I feel like I’ve lost my best friend. I do not think I will ever get over her death.

My nan was fit and active, always happy and joking, so it was a terrible shock when she had a stroke.

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She recovered and was home for a month then she had another massive stroke and died.

I went to live with her for a year when I was 12 and Mum and Dad split up, so we were very close.

I could talk to her about anything and everything.

She always listened and never criticised me. I am 17 now and have lots of friends, who have been supportive, but I miss my nan.

DEIDRE SAYS: No-one will ever replace your nan and she will live on in your memories.

Grief is a painful journey but you’ll come through.

One day you will remember the happy times you shared and not feel as sad as you do at the moment.

You can find understanding through the Cruse bereavement care service for young people (, 0808 808 1677).

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