Dutton is destined to fail as Liberal leader unless he changes tack

Federal election 2022

During the recent federal election campaign, Anthony Albanese spent a good deal of time talking about his personal history and his upbringing in public housing. It was necessary for him to tell his story because, despite being a parliamentarian for 26 years, most people knew little of him. That will not be an issue for Peter Dutton, the man almost certain to lead the Liberals after the defeat and resignation of Scott Morrison.

Humiliated four years ago when he failed in his bid to replace then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, Dutton now finds himself the undisputed heir apparent after his only potential rival, Josh Frydenberg, was toppled by an independent.

Peter Dutton is the clear frontrunner for the leadership of the Liberal Party.Credit:Hamish Hastie

Few Australians would not have a view of the conservative warrior. As Dutton once declared in an interview: “I signed up to play tackle, not touch.”

Not so long ago, he ordered serving military personnel to stop pursuing a “woke agenda” after the Defence Department held morning teas at which staff wore rainbow clothing to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia. Few Victorians will have forgotten his swipe at the state government during the so-called African gangs scare in 2018 when he claimed residents of Melbourne were afraid to go out to restaurants at night. Or his call for Australians to “rise up” to defend Christmas when a radio talkback caller lamented that his grandchild’s school eschewed traditional carols for a secular celebration.

Dutton has proved that when confronted with a hot-button issue, he is willing to wade in. Of a Greens proposal in 2016 to increase the number of refugee places, Dutton said: “They won’t be numerate or literate in their own language, let alone English. These people would be taking Australian jobs, there’s no question about that.” Of the Murugappan family from Biloela, he said the children were “anchor babies” and that allowing them to stay would encourage people smugglers.

As defence minister, he will be best remembered for his remarks that if the US committed forces to defend Taiwan against an attack from Beijing, it would be “inconceivable” that Australia would not join in military action. That was followed on Anzac Day this year by his warning that Australia needs to “prepare for war” in light of the looming threat from China and global insecurity spurred by Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

While such language may please military hawks and his right-wing base, it proved an electoral liability, with the party suffering a backlash in suburbs with large numbers of Chinese Australians.

After an electoral loss, political parties always go through a period of self-reflection. With the Liberal Party having lost much of its traditional heartland, and many of its most prominent moderate voices, it has much to reflect on. The question is whether Dutton is the best person to be leading that process.

The Age has doubts. Even his wife, Kirilly, admitted in a Good Weekend profile of her husband that “It’s black and white with him. There is no grey.”

The Liberal Party has few options, and Dutton faces a significant challenge ahead. The party was roundly rejected due to many factors, including the unpopularity of Morrison, its lack of serious action on climate change and its paltry fourth-term agenda. Its culture war games on trans issues during the campaign caused a backlash in some seats. Despite the losses, the party is being pushed by some of the commentariat to go further to the right. This is bad advice. Elections in Australia are won in the centre of politics. The Liberals need a leader who can recast the party’s ideological and policy platform so it can offer a viable alternative government to a broad section of Australians.

Dutton has committed himself to bringing together the moderate and conservative wings, and holding Labor to account on the economy. Our political system relies on having an effective – but not obstructive – opposition. But if he cannot change his ways and realise his language has been divisive and damaging, and corrosive of trust and cohesion, he will fail his party and fail us. It is time the Liberals moved away from this stance. The electorate certainly has.

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