Horoscopes today – Russell Grants star sign forecast for Friday, September 29


A friend who knows you well will make some interesting suggestions. At first you may be inclined to decline their offer but the more you think about it the more you will acknowledge they seem to have a fair idea of what is right for you.


If someone was hoping to influence you by their aggressive or dictatorial attitude they will be disappointed with your reaction. You aren’t impressed by their behaviour and you will prefer to walk away and leave them to get on without you.


Prior to departing for an adventurous challenge you will need to do a lot of training. There will be people telling you not to do this but this is a decision you have made and at the end of the day you are choosing to live the life you want to live.


Whether you are buying a vehicle or an appliance for your home you will intend to get value for your money. That’s why you won’t rush into making a purchase. You’re doing your utmost to resolve a work related problem. This is a challenge that can and will be overcome in one day.


You know how to turn on the charm when you are trying to get your own way and your recent efforts to persuade your partner or a good friend to join you in an exciting-sounding venture will pay off. Now that they have shown an interest you will want to find out how to go about making this happen.


An older colleague’s disapproving comments are designed to intimidate you. Stay cool and collected as you respond. Your insecurities will start to show if you’re on the defensive all the time. People need to know you are not and never will be affected by their unreasonable criticism.


Your attention turns to a financial matter but this is not the best of times to deal with it. Your partner or someone else who is involved will not be in too pleasant a mood. They will only give you half of their attention and it will frustrate you to have to keep repeating yourself to no avail.


There is no need to join in every conversation but you can listen to what is being said. Shoptalk will be beneficial especially if you remain in the background . All you have to do is listen attentively to learn something to your benefit.


A workmate’s comments will make you wonder whether the confidentiality of certain business matters has been breached in some way. You get the feeling they are interfering in something that is none of their business. You may have to take your concerns to a higher authority.

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Your organised approach to routines matters will help you make short work of jobs needing doing today. This will leave you with some time on your hands and it will suddenly make sense to get started on things planned for later in the year.


Intergroup conflict will occur and you will be doing all you can to contain this. If you are in a leadership role you will want to be kept informed of all developments as they happen. Members of a small team will be meeting together to discuss future options.


Volunteer work will be a great way to meet new people and this will feed a need in you to help those who can’t help themselves. Don’t be surprised if you are asked to organise a fund-raising exercise. Your social life will start to improve the moment you accept an invitation to take part in a community project.

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