I'm convinced my boyfriend's cheating again after I found two hidden sim cards | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: WHEN I found two hidden SIM cards, I knew my boyfriend was cheating on me again.

He’s a compulsive liar who says he hasn’t done anything wrong and that I’m paranoid.

I’m 26 and he’s 29. We’ve been together for four years.

Most of the time, he’s lovely to me. But he has been unfaithful several times.

When I caught him out on the last occasion, he promised he’d never do it again.

Recently, he’s been very secretive with his phone, so I went snooping in his things.

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I found the SIM cards and confronted him. He told me they were for work, but I don’t believe him.

He is a landscape gardener and uses the same phone for all his personal and work communication.

I love him and don’t want to lose him, so I’ve let it drop. But I know he isn’t being honest.

DEIDRE SAYS:  Even if he’s telling the truth this time, you clearly don’t trust your boyfriend, which is a red flag.

You seem scared to lose him, even if it means letting him take advantage of you.

You deserve better.

Tell him you need honesty and that starts with the reason why he has two SIM cards.

If he isn’t prepared to tell you the truth, he won’t ever put your relationship first and you would be far better off walking away.

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