My fantastic sex with gorgeous girl in Torremolinos – we misbehaved too much

A gorgeous girl and I had fantastic sex on a group holiday to Torremolinos.

But now she’s blanking me. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.

I’d like us to carry on loving back here in Blighty. I know we’d make a great couple but she’s ignoring my calls.

She’s the sister of a guy I used to work with. Sixteen of us flew out to stay in a variety of Spanish hotels and apartments last month.

We all sunbathed and swam by day and partied by night. It was the best fortnight of my life.

This girl and I got together on the fifth night. We were in a cracking nightclub and started dancing together. Then we got drinks and ended up talking until dawn.

The next day she admitted she fancied me and we hooked up.

We spent every remaining minute of the holiday together laughing, misbehaving, and having great sex.

Sadly, we were on different planes coming home. But I told her I wanted us to be together.

It didn’t register that she didn’t say “me too”. I just thought she was choked up and assumed we’d meet up soon. Only we haven’t. I really don’t know where I stand.

I can’t believe she is prepared to leave everything behind in that gorgeous Spanish resort.

I’ve asked around, no one thinks she has a girl or boyfriend.

Do you think I could have done something wrong? How do I apologise if she won’t even acknowledge my calls and texts? This is all such a mystery.

JANE SAYS: I think you can conclude it was nothing more than a holiday
romance as far as this girl was concerned. You connected in the resort and had a fantastic time. But she didn’t promise to see you again and now she’s back doing her own thing.

It could be that she has a partner here that no one knows about or parents who need her help and support.

She could be keen to concentrate on her job or simply wish to remain single.

She doesn’t have to justify or explain anything to you.

Whatever the truth, you now need to leave her alone. She will be able to see, from her phone, that you’ve been trying to get in touch.Therefore, it’s vital you back off and respect her desire to be her own person before you become a nuisance. I get that you’re confused and hurt but don’t let this matter consume you.

You and she meant something to each other for a brief moment in time. Surely that’s what holidays are all about – but then it’s back to reality.

Vow to remember the good times but don’t get hung up on feelings of rejection.

If you’re looking for love and companionship, concentrate on finding someone who wants commitment.

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