My partner tells me I'm stupid when I explain how I'm feeling

DEAR DEIDRE: WHEN I try to explain how I feel to my fiancé, he tells me I’m being stupid.

My doctor diagnosed me with emotional unstable personality disorder (EUPD) some years ago – and now it’s really having an effect on my relationship.

I’m 31 and he’s 29. We are getting married next year.

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I’m a larger lady and I know I’m not pretty, but I hate the fact that he keeps pictures of girls from Instagram on his phone.

He also follows beautiful women on social media. We argue about it and he says I’m crazy and he only loves me.

We don’t even have sex any more, even though I’ve tried. I feel miserable.

DEIDRE SAYS: Yes, sadly, it sounds like you are. She’s used you, but you deserve better.

Tell him that if you are going to get married, you need to sort this out now, and your sex life.

Suggest counselling via (020 7380 1960).
You’ll also find under-standing about your mental health via Mind, (, 0300 123 3393).

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