My romantic trip ended when confronted by his pregnant GIRLFRIEND

My romantic holiday to Spain with my Tinder date ended when we were confronted by his furious pregnant GIRLFRIEND – it was like a scene from Jeremy Kyle

  • Madeleine Jaye, from Sheffield, first matched with Jason* on Tinder in December
  • READ MORE: I’m a dating coach and here are 3 things you can say to a man to get him to ask you out

A woman has claimed her romantic holiday with her ‘too good to be true’ Tinder date ended ‘like a scene from Jeremy Kyle’ when his furious pregnant girlfriend confronted them at the airport.

Madeleine Jaye, from Sheffield, first matched with Jason* on the dating app in December and the two exchanged messages for nearly a month before meeting.

The 22-year-old thought that her match was ‘too good to be true’ after they ‘agreed on everything’, even discussing children and their plans for the future.

Madeleine says she even thought Jason was marriage material, and the two travel enthusiasts booked a holiday to Spain together on 26 March, three months into their ‘whirlwind romance’.

However, when the couple landed back at East Midlands Airport a week later, Madeleine says a pregnant woman was waiting for them at arrivals, claiming to be Jason’s girlfriend.

Madeleine Jaye, from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, pictured with Jason* on the recent holiday they took together before being confronted by a woman claiming to his be girlfriend

The 22-year-old thought that her match was ‘too good to be true’ after they ‘agreed on everything’

The woman said that she was due to give birth to his child in two weeks, according to law student Madeleine.

The mother-to-be was said to be accompanied by her parents, who started ‘shoving cameras in [Jason’s] face’ and shouting at Madeleine in what she likened to a ‘scene from Jeremy Kyle’.

The pregnant woman later revealed to Madeleine that her seemingly perfect match had lied about his name and even his age – claiming to be 32 when he was actually 37.

He had allegedly cheated on his girlfriend of four years with four women, and his partner claimed that he had a history of pursuing younger girls.

The distraught student also discovered that the serial cheater had a second son that he had kept a secret.

Madeleine even claims she had two dreams that Jason had kids two weeks before the holiday, and that he just ‘laughed it off’.

The singleton claims that Jason was her first Tinder date – and that she has been so scarred by the experience that she has deleted the app for good.

Madeleine said: ‘I’d never been on a Tinder date before in my life, so I was scared. On our first date, we met at 3pm. I had no intention of staying too long, and then it got to 10pm and we’d just been talking the entire time.

Madeline compared the scene at the airport to something out of ‘Jeremy Kyle’. She says the girlfriend’s parents shoved cameras in their faces as they arrived back in the UK

Pictured: Madeleine Jaye enjoying some drinks on her recent travels. The 22-year-old said she was delighted to have met someone who enjoyed exploring the world too

Madeline pictured with her now ex-boyfriend Jason – who claimed he was single and didn’t have any children

‘We were talking about the future. We literally agreed about everything: when we want kids, what we want our lives to be like, what we want our future to be like and we matched so well.

‘It sounded too good to be true, and that’s because it was. It was a whirlwind romance. The whole thing happened so fast. I didn’t get any sense that something was off.

‘He [pretended to be] very withdrawn, he said he’s not had much luck with women, and that he’s been focused on his business but now he’s ready to find someone.

‘When we landed [in East Midlands Airport], this girl walked up to him and said, “I’m his girlfriend, I’m giving birth in two weeks”. The mum and dad come over, they’re shoving cameras in his face, they’re shouting at me.

‘I literally went into shock, like full-body shock. I’ve never felt anything like it. I was not expecting it in the slightest. 

Madeline shared her side of the story in a series of viral TikToks. She spoke of her shock after finding out her boyfriend had been lying about his identity 

 Madeleine Jaye says her ex-boyfriend Jason* even gave her a fake surname so she couldn’t look him up online

‘I was there thinking we were going to get married, and this is the guy for me, and all of a sudden he’s got this whole different life behind my back.

‘I had woken up [one night] and I said I had dreams that he had kids, and he’d just laughed it off. He told me he was 32, which is already pushing it. Then his girlfriend told me he was actually 37.

‘He lied about his last name. I Facebooked his last name, and his account showed up with pictures of him and his girlfriend. I’ve deleted Tinder and I’m never going back now.’

Madeleine claims that Jason texted her after she left the airport, swearing that his girlfriend was a ‘crazy ex’ who had ‘trapped him with a kid’.

However, the unlucky-in-love dater has cut off all communication with her ex, and hasn’t seen him since their holiday’s bitter ending.

Madeleine is now warning other fellow swipers to ‘trust their gut’ when it comes to internet dating

 Madeleine Jaye says she feels as though she has ‘no trust in any man’ following the humiliating betrayal 

Madeleine is now warning other fellow swipers to ‘trust their gut’ when it comes to internet dating – as the travel enthusiast now feels as though she has ‘no trust in any man’.

Madeleine said: ‘He lied to me and said it was a crazy ex who has mental problems who had trapped him with a kid. Then he started trying to gaslight me, and said that me of all people should understand the emotional stress he’s been going through.

‘His girlfriend had an inkling that he was on holiday with another girl. She was absolutely lovely. She said this hasn’t been the first time [he cheated] and it won’t be the last time.

‘I felt awful, because I felt like a bad person even though I had nothing to do with it. I would never dream of going out with someone who has got a family. I never wanted to be involved in any of this, and I made that clear to his girlfriend.

‘I feel like I have no trust in any man now really. Now going into a new relationship, I feel like I won’t be as trusting as I was when I met him. If it’s too good to be true, it probably will be. And always trust your gut.’

*Name has been changed.

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