NANA AKUA: Nella Rose, Nigel Farage speaks for black people like me

NANA AKUA: Far from being a racist or anti-immigrant, Nigel Farage is coming across on I’m a Celeb as a common sense ex-politician who speaks for the silent majority – and yes, Nella Rose, that includes black people like me

I have to be honest, I hadn’t heard of Nella Rose until she appeared in the jungle.

Barrelling into our living rooms, a larger than life beauty, all thick-rimmed Ronnie Corbett glasses, fluttering eyelashes and an infectious smile. It’s hard not to be charmed by her.

I now gather she is an influencer with one million followers each on Instagram and TikTok, helped by the story of her incredible rise from rags to riches after the death of both of her parents at a – relatively, by modern standards – young age left her homeless and destitute.

Credit where credit is due. On the face of it, her story is an inspirational one. An undeniably talented young, black woman, with a tragic backstory who has spectacularly turned her life around from her humble beginnings, and now aged 26 is raking in thousands from her social media posts. 

Her legions of young fans lap up her reviews, skits, vlogs and light-hearted adverts. She is undeniably a popular figure – albeit with a very specific audience.

I too wanted to like her. But, my gosh, she’s loud. Incredibly. Loud. 

And, like so many on the left, she seems to occupy an echo chamber in which she amplifies her own opinions to block out common sense.

Nana Akua writes: I hadn’t heard of Nella Rose until she barrelled into our living rooms. A larger than life beauty, all thick-rimmed Ronnie Corbett glasses, fluttering eyelashes and an infectious smile. It’s hard not to be charmed by her. But she lost my vote when she informed the former leader of the Brexit Party Nigel Farage that ‘black people don’t like you’ and ‘you want us gone’

Nana Akua with her GB News colleague Nigel Farage. She writes: ‘He’s a true gent who stands up for what he believes in, an admirable quality’

Nella Rose accused Nigelof being anti-immigrant. Nana Akua says: ‘Nella displayed the typical obnoxious ignorance present in so many of her peers in Generation Z living on Planet TikTok’

This didn’t seem to faze Nigel Farage and against all odds, the pair – seemingly from such different walks of life – bonded. They were soon taken to the hearts of the great British viewing public as ‘Nigella’, the unlikeliest of camp companions.

It didn’t last long.

On Wednesday night, Nella displayed the obnoxious ignorance so typical of many of her peers in Generation Z living on Planet TikTok. 

That total inability to listen, to engage in dialogue and reason.

Instead, choosing to parrot a narrative that Nigel is racist, accusing him of being anti-immigrant in a heated exchange. 

In an outburst which has since sparked fierce debate online, she questioned – as if it were fact – why ‘no black people like him’.

She had never met Nigel pre-camp. Their first exchanges were those strangely charming scenes of them torturing their tastebuds over a shared meal of stomach-churning pizzas topped with penis, anus, udder, mealworm and grubs in the Jungle Pizzeria challenge. 

 During Monday’s episode, the pair took on the first public voted Bushtucker Trial of the series, the Jungle Pizzeria, where they ate genitals and insects

Nella – who was born in Belgium, before moving to the UK at seven and is of Congolese descent. She makes her money as an influencer

So where did she learn all of her opinions and ‘facts’ about him, Farage rightly asked? The Internet, she replied. Of course.

As Nigel himself exclaimed, well it must be true then!

Nella had no clue that he lives in South London which has one of the highest ethnic minority populations in the capital and that he is well liked by many black people – myself included.

I first came across Nigel in my twenties when he stood for UKIP and became an MEP for SE England where I lived. 

His quips in the European Parliament were legendary. 

I also agreed with much of what he said and used to listen religiously to his shows on LBC, he’s a talented broadcaster.

But I never imagined I would get the opportunity to work alongside him at GB News. 

He was the person I was most looking forward to meeting. He didn’t disappoint, he’s a true gent who stands up for what he believes in, an admirable quality.

Nigel’s main crime in Nella’s eyes seems to be that he pointed out what is increasingly clear to even those on the left, that immigration is too high and at current levels, unsustainable.

Nella seemed to think that a ten million population increase over the space of 23 years is a good thing, claiming without immigrants there would be no doctors, nurses and people to do the jobs that British people don’t want to do.

I’d argue that if British people were paid a proper wage rather than being undercut by cheaper migrant labour their wages often propped up with benefits and if we trained the people of this country rather than raping poorer countries of their talent, we’d be a whole lot better off.

When Nigel pointed out the pitfalls, Nella tried to personalise it, answering her own questions and reacting to her answers as though the words had come out of Nigel’s mouth.

She quite clearly wasn’t prepared to listen to him, preferring instead to listen only to herself. Displaying a typical lazy attitude so often aimed toward anyone who dares speak up about the broken immigration system in this country 

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) yesterday revised up its previous estimate for long-term net migration in 2022 to 745,000 – the highest ever. Numbers were down slightly to 672,000 in the year to June 

Shouting Nigel down and not listening to reason, it reminded me of other social commentators like Dr Shola [Mos-Shogbamimu] who employ this tactic.

Only this week government data showed that just under 400 migrants crossed the Channel in eight small boats bringing the total this year to just under 28,000. We are spending an estimated £8million a day housing these people in hotels.

Official migration is also out of control. Revised Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures released yesterday showed that net migration was 745,000 last year – roughly the population of Leeds. And ONS data suggests that the level has only dropped off slightly since then, with 672,000 people arriving in the UK in the year to June. 

Our public services are crumbling under the weight, our schools cannot cope and good luck finding somewhere affordable to live, we have a housing shortage to boot.

The truth is we DO have an immigration problem in this country, one which will not go away by denying it exists.

Young people like Nella Rose need to open their eyes to the situation rather than attacking anyone who dares acknowledge this reality and labelling them a racist, a slur that silences many.

Being aware of the problems brought about by mass and uncontrolled immigration doesn’t make you a racist or anti-immigrant, it makes you a realist.

Who is going to pay for all these people and where are they going to live? Questions which are often evaded by those on the woke left, the Gary Linekers of this world who shout down anyone who comes up with a plan to attempt to control the situation.

Far from being a racist or anti- immigrant, the left must be spitting feathers that Nigel Farage is coming across as a common sense ex-politician who speaks for the silent majority.

And yes, Nella, shout and stamp all you like – but that also includes black people like me.

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