Our relationship is fizzling out and now he wants me to move in with him | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: MY boyfriend of five years wants me to move in with him, but I’m worried he really wants a housewife.

I would have jumped at the chance three years ago but recently whenever I make the 30-mile journey to stay with him for the weekend, I end up spending most of the time alone on the sofa.

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I’m 53 and he’s 56. Every night he goes to the Legion club to play pool or watch football.

Although he invites me, it’s half-hearted and he makes a point of saying there won’t be anyone for me to talk to.

We potter around a few shops in the day, I buy some nice food for dinner and once I’ve washed up, he disappears.

By the time he comes home, I’ve normally flaked out in bed asleep.

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We used to have regular sex but it’s been months since we last did the deed and I’m wondering what has gone wrong.

Do I move in, in the hope that things improve or politely decline?

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DEIDRE SAYS: It sounds like a very good point to stop and ask yourself what you are getting out of this relationship.

From what you have written, it sounds like your boyfriend is looking for someone to cook and clean for him, not a partner.

Unless you tell him how unhappy you are and ask for real changes – an evening every weekend in or out with you would be a good start – this lonely relationship will continue.

I’m sending you my support pack Standing Up For Yourself which will help.

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