She is Meghan's most protective pal – but who is Silver Tree?

Who is Silver Tree? Meghan Markle’s protective producer friend revealed – as she appears in bombshell Netflix documentary to defend Duchess

  • First three episodes of Harry and Meghan’s Netflix doc were released yesterday
  • Viewers heard from Meghan’s friend Silver Tree, a former producer on Suits
  • She has previously posted on Instagram gushing about how kind Meghan is
  • READ MORE: How much are Harry and Meghan being paid for their Netflix deal? 

She’s made a name for herself in Hollywood as a high-flying producer – but thanks to her appearance in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s new docu-series, Silver Tree is now instantly recognisable as one of the Duchess’ closest confidantes. 

In the first of the three episodes, which were released on the streaming platform yesterday, the 45-year-old was among a handful of close friends who spoke about their relationship with Meghan. 

Silver, from Petaluma, California, worked as executive producer on Suits while Meghan was starring in the hit legal drama between 2014 and 2018.

During the documentary, the mother-of-two recalled how fearful she was for Meghan after the news of her relationship with Prince Harry broke in late 2017.

Silver Tree is described in the Netflix documentary both as a ‘friend’ of the couple – and as a producer on Meghan’s TV series Suits

Describing how photographers would wait outside the Suits set for Meghan, Silver  said: ‘The paparazzi started coming out to get eyes on her and there were people trying to buy call sheets from production assistants on our show so they could find out when she was shooting.

‘They’d get these really long lenses and like hide on hills so they could get a view of her. There were people breaking into the area where the trailers are and trying to get pictures of her coming in and out of her trailer. It started feeling a little bit dangerous for her.’

What’s more, the protective friend – who is set to direct a remake of Fatal Attraction – said how she worried about people breaking into the set.

‘I don’t think anyone knew how to manage that new normal,’ Silver said. ‘I mean, I was terrified somebody was just going to be in her trailer waiting for her.’ 

Silver Tree is pictured at Meghan’s wedding in 2018 sitting next to her  husband film director Abraham Levy

According to Silver, Meghan was devastated by the paparazzi presence on the Toronto set – not only because of the impact it had on her, but also because of how it affected others.

She said: ‘At a certain point we had to cage in all the trailers and that was really challenging logistically, because she was on a TV show and her nature is never to make things more difficult for anyone.

‘I don’t think anyone knew how to manage that new normal. I mean, I was terrified somebody was just going to be in her trailer waiting for her.’ 

As such, Silver says her protectiveness over Meghan grew during this challenging time – which has prompted her to take to social media and defend Meghan from criticism in the past.

Producer and director Silver Tree pictured on the set of The Real O’Neals 

The Duchess’ friend has recently moved into directing after years of being a producer

In May 2021, Silver referred to Meghan as one of her ‘nearest and dearest’ friends and said she ‘loved her madly’ in a gushing Instagram post. 

She said: ‘On her [Meghan’s] wedding day she checks in on me in the morning. It’s her day, the world is standing by, it’s a lot-but she wants the day to be special for me. 

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‘”You’ve come such a long way,” she says. “Are you jet lagged?” she says. “I made you a playlist to listen to while you get ready”.

‘When my son was going through a scary, complicated diagnosis she is the friend who stopped everything and helped map out, step by step, how we would navigate things. She called all the people, all the places when I was too paralyzed to form a plan.

‘She’s [Meghan] the friend who shares her all of her secrets with you, because despite having so many reasons to put walls up her heart remains as wide open as it always has been. This is Meg before she met H. This is Meg now. She’s always been this person. She’s not a headline.’

She added that Meghan was someone who ‘insists on always hearing details of your life, you day, your kids life, your kids day, before hers. Always before hers…’

And she explained that Meghan is ‘the friend who stocks her house full of all your very favourite things when you visit and pretends she already had them – just because she wants the moments to be about you not her.’

She also revealed that Meghan gave her peonies on her birthday. And she has posted numerous photos of her own daughter with Meghan, showing that her whole family are close to the Duchess. 

Her friendship with the Duchess has clearly been born out of their joint love of the TV industry. 

But Silver’s life in TV only happened in accidental fashion. Silver was born in Sonoma County, California, and raised in Petaluma, close to San Fransisco. 

Wanting to travel in her twenties, but failing to find the money, she instead took a job as an airline flight attendant job based in San Francisco.

But she was furloughed for six months after the September 11 attacks in 2001. 

During the furlough, she began co-writing with her husband Abraham Levy, a director and cinematographer from Tomales, California.

Silver pictured producing an episode of the US sitcom Suburgatory 

The wrote the screenplay for The Aviary, a film about four flight attendants who live together in an apartment. Silver and Levy self-financed and distributed the $25,000 film.

She previously told Variety, ‘My husband suggested that we write a screenplay about my experiences as a flight attendant, and then we made it on a shoestring and the film The Aviary ended up being a niche hit.

‘It ended up really gaining quite a large audience in the aviation community. I got the bug, so my husband was like, “You should get on set and do like any job you can just to decide if this is a place that you would want to be.”’

From there, her husband helped her get a job on a movie as a script supervisor.  

She added: ‘I did a crash course, read a million books, and showed up on set and did the best job I could, and was told I did a pretty good job.’

She then started doing shorts, commercials and anything she could get her hands on until she managed to get a job being like a ‘co-pilot’ to a lot of directors. 

Her directing credits include Deep Dark Canyon, which she wrote with her husband, and also Netflix’s You, Dead to Me, and the US version of Shameless. 

She is also set to direct an upcoming remake of the Michael Douglas 1987 thriller, Fatal Attraction.

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