Woman receives note from stranger telling her to 'run' from her date

Woman on a date is left stunned after a stranger passes her a note urging her to ‘RUN’ from the man she was with because he had revealed ‘too many red flags’

  • A Virginia-based Twitter user called Hadia S shared an image of the note that she says was passed to her by a ‘gay guy sitting behind her’ 
  • The note, which was written on the back of a CVS receipt, read: ‘Too many red flags. Run. Be safe girl.’ 
  • Hadia shared an image of the note on Twitter, where she later revealed that she herself had noticed the ‘glaring red flags’ during the date 
  • When asked by other users what ‘red flags’ she and her ‘guardian angel’ had seen, Hadia referenced a few, including the man’s thoughts on rapper Da Baby
  • Da Baby came under furious fire earlier this month for making homophobic comments and Hadia said she and her date ‘did not see eye to eye’ about it
  • The man was also a ‘fan’ of controversial dating guru Kevin Samuels, who has been accused of encouraging men to make crude comments about women 

A woman received some impromptu dating advice from a total stranger who passed her a note urging her to ‘run’ from the man she was with because he was revealing ‘too many red flags’. 

Virginia-based Twitter user Hadia S shared a photo of the note on her account over the weekend, revealing that the message – which was scrawled on the back of an old CVS receipt – was passed to her by a ‘gay guy sitting behind her’ when her date went to the bathroom. 

‘I had coffee with a guy yesterday,’ she began her tweet, continuing: ‘When he went to the bathroom, the gay guy sitting behind me passed me this note.’

The note itself contained just eight words – but the warning in them was very clear. It read: ‘Too many red flags. Run. Be safe girl.’ 

Warning: A Twitter user was given a note by a stranger urging her to ‘run’ from the man she was on a date with, because he was showing ‘too many red flags’ 

Caution: The woman, known as Hadia S on Twitter, shared a picture of the note, which was written on the back of a CVS receipt, and it quickly went viral 

Her tweet quickly went viral, racking up more than 33,000 retweets, as well as a host of comments from curious users, many of whom asked her to share more details about her date – and the so-called ‘red flags’ that prompted the stranger to pass her the note. 

Hadia explained in several follow-up tweets that she had herself recognized the ‘red flags’ early on in the date, but she said that she never felt like she was in danger, so she kept chatting to the man – mainly because she wanted to ‘debate him’ on topics that they didn’t agree on. 

One of those issues, she revealed, was rapper Da Baby – who came under furious criticism earlier this month for making homophobic comments. Although Hadia did not share her stance on the subject, she explained that she and her date ‘did not see eye to eye’ when it came to ‘the Da Baby situation’. 

She then shared that the date ‘is a fan’ of controversial dating guru Kevin Samuels, who has been accused of encouraging men to make disparaging, and even violent, comments about women via his YouTube channel. 

Hadia admitted that she had to ‘look up’ who Samuels was, but said that she was ‘immediately taken aback’ upon learning who her date was referring to. 

‘I recognized the red flags, but I wasn’t in danger, so I stayed, because of course I had to debate him,’ she went on – before adding that the man behind her must have been ‘exhausted’ listening to her try and argue with her date. 

‘I’m sure my guardian angel was exhausted and was like “B***H, LEAVE!”’ she joked. 

Although Hadia reiterated that she had already spotted the red flags herself, she expressed her gratitude to the unnamed man who warned her about her date’s behavior, writing: ‘There were a few other GLARING red flags that I won’t mention, but don’t worry, I would have recognized them with or without the note. 

‘But the note was greatly appreciated and added some laughs to my night. There won’t be a second date.’

Hadia’s follow-up tweets sparked a furious debate among other Twitter users, with some echoing the stranger’s warning, while some accused her of misjudging the man, simply because his ‘opinion didn’t align’ with her own. 

‘So because he had his own opinion on people/subjects which didn’t directly align.. or better yet, comply, with yours, his personality strikes you as toxic?’ one user questioned.  

However the majority of people agreed with Hadia’s opinion of her anonymous date, praising her for making the decision not to see him again. 

‘RUN PLEASE he’s probably in a group chat rating you in a scale of 1-10,’ one wrote. ‘Kevin Samuel[s] fan is 100% a red flag.’  

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