Woman who wants to marry a ghost says they're arguing over the wedding date

A woman who is marrying a ghost claims no church will have the couple and they are being ‘threatened with exorcism’ by priests. 

Brocarde, 38, is a singer songwriter from Oxfordshire and fell in love with Edwardo – who she says is the ghost of a Victorian soldier – last year. Edwardo appeared in her home and they have been together since. 

Like all couples, they have times of tension, but for the most part are extremely happy.

‘Edwardo and I are currently arguing over the wedding date,’ Brocarde says. ‘I want a summer wedding but he hates the heat and I’d secretly love to make him melt, but he disappears often enough as it is. 

‘For weeks, we got nowhere with it, so I’m going to design a Oujia board of wedding dates, to see which we are both drawn to.

‘I swear he’s turned into a complete groomzilla and his list of demands grows daily. 

‘Edwardo’s always had a temperamental nature but the nuptials seem to be bringing out the worst in him.’ 

Brocarde and Edwardo communicate through unusual means. The ghost often sends cryptic messages in the shower. 

‘Edwardo still leaves subliminal messages in the shower and shows his emotions by sending hot and cold sensations through my body,’ she explains.

‘Whatever it is I need to ask him, he finds a way of communicating back. It doesn’t just lay in the perimeters of what some people class as ‘”normal” – but who wants normal?’

However, marrying a ghost is proving to be a difficult task. The couple have been shunned from numerous churches because the institutions see the relationship as blasphemous. 

‘Finding the venue is proving really tricky,’ she notes. ‘We’ve been kicked out of a few churches and have been threatened with exorcism already,  I want a huge white wedding but a lot of people just can’t see the vision. 

‘Edwardo has made a few appearances but there’s an overwhelming sense that he doesn’t feel comfortable in churches, it’s far too risky for him.’

Brocarde claims that some priests do believe in the paranormal but they can’t publicly speak about these beliefs. 

‘I refuse to consider any of the typical rules and boundaries, as this isn’t a typical romance,’ she adds. ‘I’ve applied a “DIY” mentality to everything – I’ve even designed my own wedding dress, which pays homage to the Victorian era. 

‘Edwardo has insisted that I make him a Victorian three-piece suit and I’ve played around with a few ideas but ultimately, I just can’t see it. I’d prefer him to surprise me and pull a mourning suit from his old wardrobe.’ 

Choosing who to invite to the nuptials is also causing hassle as most of Edwardo’s friends are no longer alive. Even worse, his best man is ‘stuck in hell.’

To add a touch of glitz and glamour to the occasion, the couple are inviting a series of celebrities, including the ghosts of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis and The Bard.

‘My dream is to have an eclectic combination of souls at the wedding,’ says Brocarde. ‘I have a blatant disregard to whether they are classified as alive or dead – at this point, it barely seems relevant. We’re going to invite our favourite historical characters, such as Elvis and Marilyn Monroe. 

‘William Shakespeare would be warmly welcomed, particularly if he’s reading a sonnet, so long as he doesn’t reenact Hamlet. On my special day, I don’t have four hours to spare for someone else’s drama. 

‘Edwardo desperately wants one of his fellow soldiers to be his best man, but apparently he went to hell in 1875 for running an opium den. He hasn’t been reachable since. 

‘There are so many obstacles to cartwheel over when marrying a dead man.’

The A-list guest list also includes King Henry the Eighth and Johnny Cash. 

Edwardo proposed to Brocarde in November 2021 when she found a diamond ring on her pillow after the pair had a fight. 

She claims the mysterious piece of jewellery was a romantic proposal and said ‘yes’ to her spirit lover. 

‘One morning I awoke to find a ring on my pillow,’ she recalls. ‘It was digging into the side of my cheek – it felt like I’d been stung by a bee or something – but when I touched my face, I felt the stone and ring band. 

‘I thought I was dreaming and I think I fell back asleep. When I awoke, the ring was gone. I went for a shower and noticed a question mark appearing in the steam. I was convinced I was still half-asleep, so I grabbed a few espressos and carried on with my day.

‘The next night the same thing happened, but this time I awoke to find the ring still there. Again, question marks appeared in the steam on the shower. It was then that the penny dropped – Edwardo was proposing.’ 

For the big day, Brocarde has penned a new song and wants to show her devotion to Edwardo.

‘I’ve really tried to pull out all the stops and I’ve written him a magical wedding song, which I plan to walk up the aisle to,’ she says. ‘It’s always been my dream to write my own wedding anthem and the paranormal, haunting element of Edwardo’s presence has provided me with so much inspiration. 

‘He’s really pushing me to the edge of creativity and challenges me to open my mind to a whole new world.’

The couple have some very romantic plans for Valentine’s Day but Brocarde is slightly annoyed that she has to pay for everything.

‘The thing that really annoys me is that I will be left footing the bill but he is a cheap date, as he doesn’t eat or drink in public,’ she says.  

‘I’ve asked Edwardo to whisk me away for a steamy night of passion but he’s promised he’ll always be by my side wherever I travel.’

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