Emmerdale legends to join new project after their confirmed exits

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After a dramatic fight on Jai’s wedding day to Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy), Rishi died following an ‘accidental fall’ down the stairs.

Meanwhile, Liam’s character Dan Spencer is currently planning on fleeing the Emmerdale village with daughter Amelia (Daisy Campbell) and granddaughter Esther.

Having plead guilty to manslaughter after killing stalker Lloyd with a single punch, Dan now faces a hefty prison sentence, but the idea of being away from his family is too much for him to bear.

Instead of awaiting his sentencing, he has enlisted the help of Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) to flee the country in order to keep his family together.

But has he made the right decision?

This is not the only new project that these two actors are set to embark on, with both Liam and Bhasker having already announced other roles away from Emmerdale.

Bhasker will star in a new project called Leviathan, which – according to the show’s website – ‘envisages a future very much like our present to consider possible links between borders, mental health and marine welfare. Each episode is taken from the point of view of a different character and their journey.’

Elsewhere, Liam is already gearing up for panto season, as he prepares to join the cast of Aladdin in the role of Abanzar in Merseyside.

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