Home and Away spoilers tease death fears, Felicity assaulted and bomb explosion

Home and Away is set for an explosive week as several lives hang in the balance.

After receiving Andrew's note, Justin realises they need to get him away from Vita Nova while Leah begs him to act with caution.

When Cash arrives at the Morgan house without word from Justin, Leah shows him the note and they think Justin may have gone to rescue Andrew alone.

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Cash heads to the compound but Margot warns she'll report him for trespassing if he doesn't have a warrant.

He agrees to leave and heads away from the compound, unbeknownst to him that an injured Justin lies just out of sight.

As Cash reports back to Leah that there’s no sign of Justin or his car, Justin is taunted by Margot at the compound.

Andrew eventually comes to Justin’s rescue but as it looks like Justin is going to escape unscathed, he cops an arrow to the thigh.

In the meantime, Leah has reported Justin missing and Cash reveals they should be able to find him after putting a trace on his phone.

At the compound, Andrew picks a lock to find Justin’s phone and makes a desperate call to Leah – please send help.

Cash and the Taskforce storm the compound just in time and Andrew leads the paramedics to Justin while Margot is arrested.

Justin goes into shock after being rushed to hospital as Bree rushes to save his life.

When Margot sees Andrew on her way to a psych assessment, she rants at him over his betrayal.

But he’s supported by a protective Leah, who slaps Margot across the face.

Elsewhere, Battle of the Bands takes a devastating turn when a hidden figure pours a vial of something into Felicity’s drink.

Felicity heads outside for some air, but as her vision starts to lapse, she stumbles on the stairs and passes out on the floor.

When Felicity emerges, she collapses.

As Eden and Bree take Felicity to hospital, Lyrik withdraw from the Battle of the Bands contest.

After some gentle probing from Bree and with Eden by her side, Felicity admits she thinks she may have been sexually assaulted.

After Bree performs a forensic exam on her, Felicity breaks down in Eden’s arms and begs her not to tell Cash what happened.

Remi tells Tane what happened to his Felicity and he later blames Eden for letting this happen to his wife.

Later, Tane apologises to Eden for blaming her for Felicity’s assault.

When Cash meets Felicity on the beach the next day, she struggles to tell him the truth about what happened, but ultimately finds the strength.

Far from the angry reaction she feared, Cash is supportive and holds his sister close before she heads to the station to make a statement.

Across the Bay, the residents are blissfully unaware that the latest shipment from Stunning Organics contains a bomb intended for Marilyn.

Marilyn is excited about being free of Stunning Organics forever, but she doesn’t realise she’s unknowingly offloaded the box containing the bomb on John.

Marilyn receives another threat from Stunning Organics warning her that she has 24 hours to retract her accusations.

Roo is convinced they’re all talk and tells Marilyn to forward the threats to the authorities.

Marilyn is then sent a text saying: “TOO LATE”, just as John and Roo head off with the box containing a bomb.

Marilyn panics when she’s sent a photo of the explosive device, and Mali races after John and Roo in his van.

They pull over just as he screams at them to get out and the van explodes.

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