Is Joe Wicks on today?

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The Body Coach Joe Wicks is keeping the nation moving with his daily online fitness lessons. He started the YouTube sessions called P.E. with Joe after the British government shut down schools across the country. Episodes are streaming daily and help people to keep fit during the coronavirus lockdown. has everything you need to know about the routines.

Is Joe Wicks on today?

Joe Wicks announced back on March 19 his plans to run live online P.E. sessions for school children to do while in lockdown.

The online and live routines have built up a strong following with his videos amassing up to 1 million views.

P.E. with Joe will be running daily for half an hour from 9am BST to get the blood pumping.

The fitness expert has been doing classes since Monday, March 23.


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Sessions will be continuing every day until children are back in schools, so this means the programme is still on today (Thursday, May 14).

His sessions last half an hour and involve simple exercises that don’t require any equipment.

The routines are not on at weekends as he takes a rest.

Joe has been doing each of the sessions from his home with families around the world following him each day.

Although the exercises are easy enough, they do require stamina and will help to get children fit.

Joe has even taken off the YouTube adverts on the videos, so they are completely free.

He has vowed to become the nation’s P.E. teacher and has been hailed by many for his efforts during lockdown.

During his first video, he said: “The aim of this whole thing is for me just to get everybody at home, whether you’re on the sofa or you’re a kid, a teenager, an adult, getting up, getting your trainers on and jump up and get involved together.

“Let’s just have a bit of movement, 30 minutes, just interact, connect, have fun, join together in fitness because it’s amazing what you can do.

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“I promise you, however, you’re feeling right now, you’re going to feel more energised. It’s going to lift your mood. You’re going to feel more positive, more optimistic.”

During his fitness workouts, Joe gives shoutouts to the families following along at home from lockdown.

Joe has made his routines family-friendly with moves such as the Spider-man and bunny hops.

Unsurprisingly, his routines have caught the attention of major broadcasters such as Channel 4 and the BBC.


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Joe has also appeared on Sunday Brunch and Good Morning Britain to discuss his workouts.

Prior to P.E. with Joe, the star was known for his book Lean In 15 and his general exercise routines.

However, P.E. with Joe has really propelled the Body Coach into the spotlight.

He’s not the only celebrity trying to do their bit during the COVID-19 outbreak, Carol Vorderman has also made her site the Maths Factor free for parents to keep their kids up to date with numerical skills.

Also, the Naked Chef Jamie Oliver has been doing lockdown cooking and sharing simple recipes with leftovers.

PE with Joe airs on YouTube channel The Body Coach TV daily at 9am

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