ITV Emmerdale spoilers: Mack tears happy couple apart in the search for Reuben, Eric has setback and Tom has secret plan for Belle

Matty Barton (Ash Palmisciano) continues to hide the truth about Chloe Harris (Jessie Elland) and Reuben’s whereabouts from Mackenzie Boyd (Lawrence Robb) in upcoming Emmerdale episodes.

Mackenzie desperately tries to find his son who’s still missing along with Chloe – but it’s causing tension within the family at home.

When Moira Barton (Natalie J. Robb) declares she wants to have a big family Christmas, Matty and Amy Wyatt (Natalie Ann Jamieson) are under pressure to attend.

At dinner, an argument erupts and Matty finally cracks revealing to Mack that Amy is preparing to visit Chloe.

The following day, Charity Dingle (Emma Atkins) and Mack tail Amy who is on her way to see Chloe. But when they catch up with Amy, she refuses to tell them where Chloe is.

They snatch Amy’s phone and send a text to Chloe organising a meet-up. However, Chloe soon realises she’s being set up and calls off the visit telling Mack he’ll never see his son again.

When they return to the village, Matty accuses Mack of destroying his relationship with Amy and Mack’s sarcastic response prompts Matty to punch him.

Later on at the HOP, Amy’s startled when a hooded figure grabs her.

Meanwhile, Pollard (Chris Chittell) is taken by surprise when he experiences an unexpected tremor.

Manpreet Sharma (Rebecca Sarker) encourages Pollard to open up to his friends about his diagnosis.

When Pollard bravely decides to talk to Rodney Blackstock (Patrick Mower) about it, he’s perplexed by Rodney’s off-hand reaction to him having Parkinson’s.

Charles Anderson (Kevin Mathurin) manages to convince Nicola King (Nicola Walker) and Claudette Anderson (Flo Wilson) to co-organise the Christmas fair. During which Liam Cavanagh (Jonny McPherson) clocks Bear Wolf’s (Joshua Richards) burgeoning attraction to Claudette.

Tom King (James Chase) announces he has a secret plan to make her Christmas a memorable one.

However, Tom soon beats himself up over his failed plans as Nicola reveals surprise guests for the fair, plus Victoria Sugden (Isabel Hodgins) opens up to Aaron Dingle (Danny Miller) about her secret romance with Jacob Gallagher (Joe-Warren Plant).

With the salon rammed, Mandy Dingle (Lisa Riley) questions her ability to cope when Amelia Spencer (Daisy Campbell) persuades her to look after Esther so she can visit Dan Spencer (Liam Fox) in prison.

Needing money for her visit, Amelia agrees to an extra shift at the salon. Amelia approaches Angelica King (Rebecca Bakes) who agrees to look after Esther, but when the chance to hang out with Heath Hope (Sebastian Dowling) presents itself, Angelica has a choice to make.

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