Johnny Depp agreed to 21 Jump Street cameo on one touching condition

Johnny Depp reunites with his legal team at one of his show

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Some people only know Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean series – but he made a name for himself in Hollywood long before he took to the seven seas.

From 1987 to 1990 Depp played the lead role in the hit TV show 21 Jump Street. For 80 episodes he paraded around as an undercover cop alongside his co-star, Peter DeLuise.

When the series was rebooted into a movie franchise of the same name, 2012’s 21 Jump Street – which hits ITV screens tonight at 10:45pm – the directors wanted to bring Depp back.

Phil Lord and Christopher Miller of The Lego Movie fame brought the series back to life with Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum at the helm.

They began putting their feelers out to find out if Depp would agree to make a comeback in the movie.

The directors revealed that they had heard Depp wanted to make a cameo, but wanted his character to die.

Lord noted that this was exactly what they had in mind as well, so that worked out.

But Depp had one major condition to rejoin the series.

Producer of 21 Jump Street Tania Landau revealed Depp would only come back if it was exactly like the TV show.

His character, Tom Hanson was reintroduced, but he would not have been seen without his partner, Doug Penhall.

Landau revealed: “We approached [Depp] when we thought the script was in really good shape, and he said there was a condition.

“He would only do it if Peter DeLuise was going to do [the film] as well.”

Johnny Depp star in trailer for The Brave in 1997

Depp would only make a pricey cameo in the movie if his TV show pal would join him.

Thankfully, this made sense both financially and narratively, so the producers and directors agreed.

Landau later revealed: “We were going to ask Peter DeLuise to do it anyway… so it was perfect!”

This was an even more wonderful gesture from Depp when looking at DeLuise’s career.

Before making a cameo in 21 Jump Street, he had not appeared in any films since 2008.

What’s more, he hadn’t been on TV since the year before, in 2011.

So Depp certainly gave his career a powerful boost by putting him at the front of a new blockbuster.

Oddly enough, Jonah Hill had a different idea to kill Depp in the movie.

Jonah revealed he first wanted to kill off Depp as soon as he appeared on the big screen.

He revealed: “Our original idea was, [Depp] was about to say his first word in the movie and my gun goes off and I shoot him in the face and kill him.”

Thankfully, they changed that script detail.

21 Jump Street is available to rent on Amazon Prime Video now.


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