Mary's cruel sex photo blackmail, Gabby's revenge and tearful exit in Emmerdale

Revenge is the theme of Emmerdale village as Mary Goskirk (Louise Jameson) is hit with horrifically cruel blackmail from ex Faye, while Gabby Thomas (Rosie Bentham) is determined to find a way to make Nicky Miligan (Lewis Cope) pay.

Elsewhere in the village, Caleb (William Ash) takes interest in a predicament for Tracy Fletcher (Amy Walsh) and makes an interesting offer.

However, it’s not going to go down well with Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley), who is also trying to support Moira (Natalie J Robb) as the farm continues to struggle.

With the finances on the brink, Moira makes a choice over the workforce, which pits Mack (Lawrence Robb) and Nate (Jurell Carter) against each other.

And there are tears for other characters as Arthur (Alfie Clarke) sees his first big relationship crumble, and his love Marshall depart the village.

Here’s what’s to come next week.

Monday July 17

Mary receives a message from an unknown number asking to meet and she’s thrown to see Faye looking dishevelled. Determined to remain steely in the face of her tormentor, Mary’s shocked to discover that Faye’s been sleeping in her car.

Faye tells her she loves her and begs her for a fresh start. Mary doesn’t believe her lies and the conversation takes a turn when Faye attempts to blackmail her.

In possession of a private photo, Faye demands that Mary either change her witness statement or she’ll send a non-consensual nude photo of her to all her contacts.

Manpreet reassures Rishi that he’s been a great dad to Jai and she urges him to give his son the full story about his biological dad. Rishi finally agrees to try to reconcile with Jai, but he’s left devastated when his son blanks him.

Gabby’s tries to come up with a revenge plot for Nicky. Tracy’s gutted to receive a loan rejection from the bank.

Tuesday July 18

Things escalate further for Mary when Faye enters Smithy and reminds her that the clock’s ticking for her to withdraw her statement before she sends out the picture.

Rhona’s in disbelief when she returns to Smithy and finds Faye smug and unruffled, telling Mary that they can meet tomorrow to confirm that she’s withdrawn her statement.

Mary’s desperate to stop the photo being sent out and grows increasingly distraught at the prospect as Rhona promises to fix the situation.

Utterly defeated by Faye’s blackmail, Rhona’s heartbroken to see her mum so vulnerable. 

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Tracy’s struggling to find any enthusiasm for her job at the B&B. Bob clocks that she’s feeling low and bamboozles her into feeling more motivated.

Laurel convinces Jai to invite Rishi to the wedding and Rishi’s buoyed when Jai gracelessly delivers an invitation. 

Nicola tells Laurel she’s having a hen do whether she likes it or not.

Wednesday July 19

Marlon lets slip that he knows about the blackmail leaving Mary feeling betrayed by Rhona. When April tells Mary that she’s inspired by her grandma’s truth-telling, Mary’s left guilty about her plan to lie to the police and withdraw her statement to escape Faye’s blackmail.

On her way into the police station to change her statement and exonerate Faye, Mary freezes, totally torn about what to do.

Caleb’s intrigued to overhear a conversation between Belle and Nate about Tracy’s struggles to find an investor for her nursery.

Finding her, Tracy’s left with food for thought when Caleb moots investing in her proposed nursery.

Later, however, Nate’s frustrated with Tracy when it looks like she’s tempted to go into business with Caleb as he knows it will infuriate Cain. Tracy accuses Nate of caring more for Cain’s feelings than the welfare of his family.

Wendy’s alarmed when Bob nearly catches her in a charged moment with Liam in the Woolpack beer garden. 

Suni rallies the troops for Jai’s stag do, hoping it will help further reunite father and son but could this backfire?

Thursday July 20

With the farm still struggling financially, Cain tells Moira it’s time for a tough choice; either Nate or Mack must be made redundant.

Nate’s relieved when Tracy sees how involving Caleb in her nursery would cause ructions but when Moira announces that he and Mack are going to be put in a competitive interview process for the one remaining job at the farm, furious Tracy immediately makes a call to Caleb to take him up on his offer and Nate no longer has a leg to stand on.

Arthur’s broken-hearted when Marshall ends things between them. Marshall thanks Laurel for all she’s done for him before giving Arthur an emotional last hug before leaving with his auntie.

Her heart breaks for Arthur as he sobs in her arms after losing his first love. 

Bernice is intrigued to find a piece of paper with a mysterious message on it in the bin of one of the rooms.

After comparing the mystery note with an old birthday card from Liam, it looks like Bernice has cracked the case.

Friday July 21

Suni attempts to comfort a sad Rishi while Arthur feels even worse when a moody Gabby makes comments.

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