'OutDaughtered': Danielle Busby Said Which of the Quintuplets Fight the Most

There are quite a few unique families featured on TLC, and everyone adores the Busbys on OutDaughtered. The reality series shows Adam and Danielle Busby taking care of their six daughters, five of whom are 4-year-old quintuplets. And what’s even more amazing is knowing the fertility struggles the couple went through prior to having all of their kids. While they never anticipated having so many little girls running around, there’s no doubt they love them and work hard to be the best parents possible.

Danielle and Adam get seriously candid with the cameras. And there’s one scene from OutDaughtered when Danielle exposes which two quintuplets are the ones who fight the most. Here’s what the busy mother of six mentioned.

The quintuplets are all starting to develop their own personalities


When OutDaughtered first started, the quints were just toddlers, and it was incredibly difficult to tell them all apart. Now that they’re 4 years old, however, they’re starting to develop their own personalities fast — and fans have certainly picked up on which quint is the bossiest, or the goofiest, or even the most anxious.

Danielle even wrote a blog post about the quints’ individual personalities. She explained that Hazel is the most independent of the group while also being the sweetest. Riley is the smart kid of the group, as she’s already moved up to kindergarten before her siblings. Parker is the anxious one, as she rarely likes to be in front of the camera. And the twins, Ava and Olivia, are dependent on each other and notoriously goofy on the show.

Fans have also mentioned that they appreciate that Adam and Danielle are recognizing the differences in the quints and treating them as individuals, too.

Adam and Danielle Busby let them play bubble ball so they could get physical

There’s no doubt 4-year-old quintuplets have endless energy, so Adam and Danielle let them play a game of “bubble ball” so they could get physical with each other in a safe way. “We’re gonna play bubble where you wear an inflatable ball. It’s the perfect way for the girls to get their aggression out without hurting each other,” Adam said in this clip. And it looked like it was truly a family affair, as Danielle’s sister, brother-in-law, and their kids were also in attendance for the fun.

The first two quints to go head-to-head were Riley and Olivia. Olivia knocked Riley over first, so she won her round — but it looked like Riley easily took out Hazel next. “I think we finally figured out how to settle these girls’ cat fights,” Adam joked to Danielle. “We totally need to get some of these at home,” Danielle added.

Danielle noted Riley and Olivia were the quints who fight the most


We saw a number of the quints participate in the game, but it looked like Danielle thought Riley and Olivia would need to play bubble ball the most. Before their battle, Danielle lined them up on opposite sides of each other and commented, “Lulu and Riley, let’s go — ya’ll two are the ones that fight the most,” the mom said. After that, it was on between them — and as stated before, Olivia won.

We shouldn’t be too surprised by this pairing, as we’ve heard of Riley’s devious behavior in the past. As Danielle once said of the child, “The girls are at that age where they’re really testing boundaries, so we’ve starting doing time-out for when they’re bad. … Though Riley is usually the naughty one, she really does have a sweet, cuddly side to her. She wants to do good, but her personality just kind of gets in the way.” As for Olivia, we know she has that goofy, funny side to her, so perhaps the two strong personalities don’t mesh well in the group.

We’ll have to keep watching OutDaughtered to see if the quints get along better or less well as they continue to age. So far, it’s certainly been interesting watching them enter their prime kid years!

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