Ryan attacks Daisy over her lies in Corrie spoiler video

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Carla Connor (Alison King) and Ryan (Ryan Prescott) make their opinion towards Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan) perfectly clear in this new Coronation Street spoiler video as it becomes apparent that she knows Karen, Justin Rutherford’s (Andrew Still) sister.

We first met Karen a few weeks prior to Ryan’s acid attack. She came into the pub and told Daisy that her brother has behaved terribly in the past and that she needed to watch out.

Now, in the present day, Justin has been arrested after stalking Daisy and throwing acid at Ryan – but where does this leave Karen?

In the pub, Ryan and Carla are enjoying a drink together.

It becomes apparent that Ryan wants to go home and is uncomfortable by a woman staring at him.

The lady is Karen and Carla doesn’t hesitate in confronting her, sarcastically saying that she should come closer and look at Ryan’s injuries and if she asked nicely, he might take a picture.

The conversation is picked up by Daisy and Daniel (Rob Mallard), who explain that the lady is Justin’s sister.

Carla is stunned when Daisy reveals that Karen apologised to her for her brother’s actions, arguing that she should also be apologising to Ryan.

As Daniel pipes up, pointing out that Justin’s behaviour also changed Daisy’s life, Carla says that she probably led Justin ‘down the garden path’ given her history.

An argument then ensues about Daisy and Ryan’s past as he reminds her that she told lies to end his relationship with Alya (Sair Khan), slept with him, and then ended things shortly after.

All of this is overheard by Karen, who seems curious by Daisy’s previous actions, but what will she do with this information?

Is she entirely on Daisy’s side?

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