The end of Elaine in Corrie as Stephen leaves her to die in brutal twist?

With Stephen Reid’s (Todd Boyce) future at the factory up in the air thanks to the arrival of Owen (Ben Hull) in Coronation Street, he’s about to go to desperate lengths once again to get his hands on some cash.

We’ve already seen Stephen organise a life insurance policy for Elaine, which has now put him in the position to get a substantial amount of money if she was to die.

And well, we all know Stephen is very good at murdering people to get what he wants.

Confronted by Owen in a new week, Stephen is stunned when he says that once he takes over the factory, he’ll soon get fired.

Stephen finds Carla (Alison King) and warns her against selling her shares, but she insists that in order to prioritise her mental health, she has to go through with it.

The frustrations of the day getting the better of him, Stephen ends up trashing the factory floor, leaving Michael (Ryan Russell) to wonder what on earth is going on.

Later on, unaware that Stephen has switched her blood pressure pills for caffeine ones, Elaine tells her partner that she doesn’t feel well, so he pops out to get some food.

In the flat on her own, Elaine is overcome by dizziness and passes out, hitting her head as she falls.

When Stephen returns home, he finds Elaine unconscious on the floor, but has he killed again?

Or will she survive?

‘He is genuinely shocked and there is a moment when it looks like her is going to revive her’, Todd Boyce explained to us, revealing what happens next after Stephen finds Elaine.

‘But then you can see the cogs turning and he thinks let’s see how this turns out and maybe it might be the perfect ending! He leaves, crossing his fingers that she will die before she is discovered.’

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