Cha Cha Slide creator DJ Casper dies aged 58 after brutal cancer battle

Cha Cha Slide creator DJ Casper died following a battle with kidney and liver cancer on Monday, aged just 58.

He had previously performed his famous number all around the world and even toured with James Brown.

In a previous interview with ABC7 Chicago, he explained: “They diagnosed me in 2016 with two kinds of cancer, which is renal, and neuroendocrine, which is kidney and liver.

“They went in to try to do surgery, and they found out the kidney was connected to the main artery, so they decided not to do it and just treat it.”

In a more recent update, Casper told the outlet that he was losing a lot of weight due to his condition.

He said: “I used to weigh 236 pounds, and I think I’m about 60 pounds less. If you know me, you know I’m not going to stop. I’m going to continue to go. I’m going to continue to go until I can’t go.”

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