These Guys Made a Real Version of Thanos' Double-Edged Sword

Thanos, the mad titan who bedeviled the Avengers, is best known for wielding the reality-warping Infinity Gauntlet. But in Avengers: Endgame, he also carries a massive, double-edged sword. At more than eight feet long, it’s the kind of thing that could only exist (and be usable) in comics—or on film as an entirely computer-generated object.

Or … could it be real? That’s the question in a new video from the Hacksmith, who set out to replicate Thanos’s sword using real-life materials. (The Hacksmith, you may recall, is famous for the Make it Real series, where they prototype fictional gadgets such as the Batarang, Captain America’s shield, and Thor’s hammer.)

To re-create this massive sword, the Hacksmith crew started by using a statue for reference, creating a digital file then fed to a plasma cutter. They actually scaled it down from a Thanos-sized 8’4” to a human-wieldable 6’4″. Smaller parts are laser cut, and after all the parts are weighed (both sides have to have the same weight to preserve balance), they’re welded together.

With some acid-cleaning and more welding, the blade really comes together. Lots of sparks fly as they use angle grinders to shape the sword, then test it out by chopping in half a keyboard and shattering several panes of glass. Then comes the “fancy stuff,” using etching to make the sword look as ornate as in the movies.

The finished product is impressive, a long and intimidating piece of metal. Is it really dangerous, though? It’s hard to tell whether Thanos’s sword is practical in real-life battle—but the Hacskmith promises the next video will test it against Captain America’s shield.

See the full video below:

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