‘Disgusting pig’ plane passenger caught drying socks by hanging them from window

Sitting near young children on a long flight can be a passenger's worst nightmare but it appears some adults also can't be trusted to fly unsupervised.

If you know the woman who dried her knickers using the overhead air vent or this passenger who used their feet to navigate the on-board touch screen entertainment system, please come and collect them immediately.

It's not difficult: get on, sit down, wait, and don't do something so bizarre or gross that other passengers feel compelled to post it on social media.

Unfortunately, that seems to be a real struggle for a worrying number of actual grown ups.

A passenger on a recent flight horrified his fellow travellers by using the journey as an opportunity to dry his socks by hanging them on the shutter of the plane window.

A photo of the anonymous man was posted by someone sitting close by (we warned you) and shared to the ' Passenger Shaming ' Instagram account's one million followers.

The image, which has more than 5,000 likes and 160 comments, carries the sarcastic caption: 'Me doing my laundry on the way to LA this weekend! #multitasking'.

Almost unbelievably, people weren't a fan of his behaviour.

Here's a little feel for the tone of the comments: "Classless low lifes are everywhere." "Why?!? There is absolutely no justification for this." "Why would anyone admit doing something so ignorant?" "Disgusting pig."

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