Lisa Snowdon believed she lost 'one shot' at parenting after abortion

Lisa Snowdon opened up about her pregnancy experience and revealed she feared she had lost her ‘one shot’ at becoming a mum following her abortion. 

The 51-year-old explained she terminated a pregnancy in her early 20s and worried that she might not get the chance to carry a child afterwards.

Despite her concerns, Lisa did fall pregnant again years later, however she suffered a devastating miscarriage when she began to bleed right before her presenting slot on LBC morning radio. 

Now, the star explained that she viewed her loss as ‘punishment’ for her previous abortion and outlined why she felt it was her ‘one shot’ at becoming a parent. 

She told MailOnline: ‘I’d think, “Was that my chance and it’s gone? Is this my punishment? Maybe I don’t deserve to be a mother because I did that”.’ 

Lisa continued on to share: ‘You do kind of put yourself through a bit of torture. I think we women have the capability to do that often to ourselves. 

‘We just try and add salt to the wound if we’re feeling s*****. We’re like, “What else can I do in order to make myself feel even worse?” To blame ourselves and feel shame.

‘I stand by the fact that it [the termination] was the right decision because I’ve always thought that if I’m going to have a family, I want a supportive partner — who’s loving, who’s there — and I was with a man who wasn’t the right man to have in my life. 

‘He’d let me down, hugely, wasn’t even there for the first doctor’s appointment [about the pregnancy].

‘If I’d had the baby, I’d have been connected to that man for the rest of my life. But every now and then I’d think, “Gosh he or she would be this or that age now”. You never forget.’

Lisa revealed she had made ‘peace’ with not having children and was happy with her current partner George Smart.

She explained to Prima magazine: ‘When George and I got back together, I said, “You know, if we want to have kids, we probably need to get on with that” and he replied, “Why don’t you and I just go on adventures together?” It immediately took the pressure off.’ 

The TV host previously revealed she began going through early menopause aged 44. 

Pregnancy loss helpline

For emotional support, you can contact Miscarriage Association’s pregnancy loss helpline on 01924 200799 or email [email protected].

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