Trevor Noah Pukes Up The Grossest Presidential Campaign Analogy

Trevor Noah on Wednesday came up with a gag-inducing way to describe presidential campaigns.

“The Daily Show” host noted “the timing couldn’t be better” for Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) ― who placed third in Tuesday’s New Hampshire Democratic primary ― because “in many ways” the campaigns are “like getting drunk at a party.”

“You wanna peak at the right time,” said Noah.

“See, the other candidates, they had their surge last year, which is too early,” he continued. “It’s like getting wasted at 6 p.m., yeah, because by the time the party’s going you’re puking in the bushes going, ‘I’m so sorry I didn’t pace myself. I promise I’ll do better in South Carolina.’” 

Check out the clip here:


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