Should I tell my new partner I had an STD four years ago? – The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: AM I putting a new partner at risk if I don’t tell them that I had genital warts in the past?

I am a guy of 31. I caught genital warts four years ago and was successfully treated at the local GUM clinic where I had them frozen off.

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I have not had a repeat outbreak since. At the time I was in a relationship where we both accepted it and it was never a problem.

I am single again now. I am not planning on jumping into bed with the first person I meet but I do hope to meet that special someone one day.

I don’t want to put them off, but on the other hand I would not want to put someone at risk of catching warts from me.

DEIDRE SAYS: The HPV virus, which causes genital warts, is extremely common and most sexually active people will be exposed to it at some point.

It’s always best to be honest about your sexual history.

You and a future partner can get more advice and support from the Terrence Higgins Trust (, 0808 802 1221).

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