Uber driver left mortified after date gets in car with another woman

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Finding out that your partner or potential new lover is seeing someone else really is something that everyone fears.

Having your feelings hurt by someone else's betrayal is never going to be easy – but finding out about their disloyalty often makes things a whole lot worse.

Just like Jen Wordon who found out the guy she was seeing was in fact seeing someone else, despite him involving her into his life after being introduced to his friends.

But Jen did not find out through a series of seedy text messages or catching them doing the deed – she picked them up while she was driving an Uber.

Yes, you read that right.

Jen decided to do a shift as an Uber driver on a Friday night as her new beau said he was going to a baseball game with a “buddy”.

With a spare evening ahead of her, Jen hit the road to earn some extra cash.

Having accepted a request for a lift from a girl, the Uber driver thought none the wiser.

That was until the other woman got in the car where Jen questioned to herself if she recognised her.

Jen explained in a TikTok video: “I actually met the girl who got in the Uber with him but I just didn’t know, I didn’t realise at the time that I already met her.

“Things were going well with us but things were relatively new, right. So I asked him what he was doing this weekend because obviously I wanted to hang out and he said on Friday he was going to the Pens game with a ‘buddy’ but he was free Saturday so we could hang out.

“In my mind I’m going to drive for Uber on Friday and make some money, then I’ll see him Saturday.”

She continued: “So I’m out driving on Friday and got a request from a girl, no big deal, I go and pick her up. She gets in the back seat of my car on the passenger side and I look over and she looked familiar.

“But I didn’t know her name, I didn’t remember her name and I didn’t want to say anything as I wasn’t sure at that point.

“So then he gets in the back seat behind me and at this point I wasn’t even thinking anything of it. So I start pulling away and they start talking about their friends that I had met. They start name dropping all of these names.”

Jen’s heart dropped as she realised that her date was in the car with someone else.

“And I was like that was them.”

“I look in the rear-view mirror and we make eye contact and that's when we both know.

“I knew it was him and he knew it was me. We had our masks on so that's why it was hard to tell at first. But when we made eye contact we definitely knew.

“And he goes the whole of the entire ride and doesn’t say anything.”

After enduring the excruciatingly awkward car ride, Jen dropped the pair off at their destination.

Within five minutes she got a phone call from the dodgy date where he allegedly apologised to Jen and admitted he should have said something but was in “shock.”

Jen then questioned whether the pair were just friends or if he had been dating someone else behind her back – he urged Jen she was just a “friend.”

A few days had passed and Jen went out to a bar with a few of her friends.

Jen struck up a conversation with a waitress she knew in a bar – and the server also knew the ‘other’ woman.

Who warned Jess that the pair were “more” than friends.

And to confirm her suspicions, in a meeting of coincidence, the other woman was also at the bar.

And, sadly confirmed that the pair were dating – leaving Jen in utter shock.

The lad Jen thought would be her future lover eventually came clean to tell her that he was in fact seeing the other woman and had previously dated her before.

What a ride!

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