Vet reveals five breeds of dog that people frequently underestimate

Vet reveals five dog breeds that people ‘always underestimate’ the challenge of owning

  • Ben the Vet is a veterinarian who shares pet care information videos on TikTok
  • READ MORE: I’m a vet and these are the dog types most impacted by in-breeding – it’s shocking and dangerous

A British vet has spoken out about the dogs breeds he says people ‘frequently underestimate’ – and how this can pose challenges.

Content creator shared his expertise in a video on TikTok, where he has almost 190,000 followers.

In the clip, which has garnered more than 145,000 views, he listed five breeds of dog, explaining why they can be more difficult to adequately care for than many may realise.

In the video, Ben says: ‘The first one I’m going to talk about is the Husky. They are super cute puppies, beautiful dogs, and they can make loyal pets but they are really not for everyone. 

‘A few years ago, there was a massive boom in their numbers, because they – and similar wolf like dogs – were used in huge movie franchises and shows, like Game of Thrones and Twilight.’

According to Ben the Vet (pictured) there are five breeds of dog that people frequently underestimate. He revealed them in a video on TikTok 

5 types of dog that pet owners frequently underestimate #learnontiktok #dogsoftiktok #veterinary #woof #benthevet

He goes on to explain that in the years that followed, ‘rehoming shelters saw more and more of these dogs being relinquished to them because their owners couldn’t cope’. 

According to the vet: ‘They need lots of exercise. You have to remember that these dogs were bred to pull sleds long distances in cold weather conditions. 

‘So a five to 10 minute walk around the block [is] definitely not enough. If they’re not kept active and stimulated enough, they just get bored and start showing unwanted behaviours, and they very easily become overweight. 

‘So unless you’ve got two hours free every day to exercise your dog, a Husky might not be for you.’

The second type listed by the vet is rescued street dogs, with Ben explaining that he meets ‘lots of pet owners that have rescued street dogs from Eastern European countries like Romania’. 

He notes that while adopting these animals can seem like a nice thing to do, and while it is often an easier process than rescuing from a UK shelter, many of these dogs are not suited to life as pets.

Ben explains: ‘I’ve…met many, many of them that are extremely anxious and have serious behavioural problems. 

‘Much of the time, this is simply because they haven’t been socialised with humans. This has to happen before the age of three to four months if a dog is not going to be scared of people.’ 

According to Ben, because they have a tendency to suffer from a number of health conditions, Frenchies can make expensive pets – as well as causing their humans heartache and stress

Moving onto the third breed, Ben lists Cockapoos, saying that while he thinks they ‘make fantastic family pets’, they are ‘frequently underestimated’. 

‘By this, I mean that some people think they’re going to be automatically easier to have as pets because they’re a small dog,’ says Ben.

‘But they’re a cross between a poodle, which is highly intelligent, and the highly energetic Cocker Spaniel, so they’re definitely not lap dogs. 

‘There’s also a common misconception that they’re hypoallergenic, and fine to live with for people with dog allergies, but there’s very little evidence to back this up.’

When it comes to the fourth breed on his list, Ben reveals it is the German Shepherd.

This, he explains, is because ‘there is a long list of health problems they’re genetically predisposed’ to suffer from. 

‘Many of these can’t be tested for ,’ says the vet. ‘The hip and elbow dysplasia are a massive issue with the breed, and they can be screened for.

‘So make sure if you’re going to get one, [that] both parents have been screened for these problems, and have good results.’

Another factor he cites when it comes to the breed is that they are ‘often very protective of their owners and can be quite aggressive at the vets’. 

One of the breeds the vet lists in the video – which may come as a surprise to some viewers – is the cockapoo. While he says they make fantastic family pets, Ben says they are not ‘lap dogs’ 

Ben continues: ‘They’re big boys…and so it’s really important that they’re well trained and socialised at a young age, especially if there are any children in the house.’

The final breed he lists in his video is the French bulldog. According to Ben: ‘I know I’m always harping on about them, but it’s a good reason.

‘What new Frenchie owners often underestimate is the financial commitment that they are taking on. French Bulldogs, unfortunately, [are] low health status dogs. 

‘And the chances are that your vet bills over your dog’s lifespan are going to be significantly higher than average.’

This can go beyond financial challenges, explains Ben, who concludes: ‘Having a dog that is never fully well, and may have a shorter life expectancy, can also have a massive emotional strain on pet owners.’

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