The Rain season 2 recap: What happened in The Rain series 2?

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Netflix series The Rain first aired back in 2018 and presented audiences with a bleak dystopian future in which a deadly infection carried in clouds wiped out most of the human race in Scandinavia. The man-made virus was created by a nefarious company called Apollon which had a hidden agenda. Here’s a look at series two of The Rain and what to expect in the third and final outing of the show.

What happened in The Rain season 2?

WARNING: This article contains major spoilers from The Rain seasons 1 & 2

Season two saw the gang trying to flee from Apollon after Simone (played by Alba August) and her brother Rasmus (Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen) decided not to exit the quarantine zone but find another way out.

They were pursued by Apollon before a showdown where Simone and Rasmus’ father gave them a set of coordinates, saying this was where they could find help. Shortly after this he was murdered by his company.

The group then fled and found a strange base where a scientist promised to help find a cure for Rasmus but sadly, the virus ended up killing most of the staff at the facility.

The sole remaining scientist Fie (Nathalie Madueño) agreed to help find a cure for Rasmus and with the aid of Simone it looked like they had succeeded.

However, they ultimately failed when the virus made an unexpected resurgence and Rasmus used it to destroy Apollon soldiers who had been sent to kill his friends and take him.

Rasmus wasn’t cured

Simone thought she’d saved Rasmus after he was injected with a cure.

For a while it looked like the medication had suppressed his powers but they later came back stronger.

Lea sacrificed herself

In a bid to help Rasmus, Lea (Jessica Dinnage) gave up her own life as she distracted him and allowed Simone to inject him with a possible cure.

Lea cared deeply for her friend and always saw Simone as her “guiding star” right up until the end.

Her boyfriend Jean (Sonny Lindberg) was left distraught by her death and couldn’t forgive Rasmus until it was too late.

Despite Lea and Rasmus’ friendship, the virus murdered her in a bid to protect itself.

Jean becomes evil

A grief-stricken Jean took revenge on the group and Rasmus by handing him over to Apollon.

He put all their lives in danger and left them close to death but at the last moment, he saw a vision of Lea telling him to let go of his rage.

The vision said this was the person she had known and cared for, leading him to realise the error in his ways.

Season three will see him making amends for his actions in the previous outing.

Sarah now has the virus

In a twist in the closing shot of season two, it emerged Sarah (Clara Rosager) ended up getting the virus.

She was initially thought to have died given the strain of trying to flee from Apollon while suffering from an autoimmune became too much.

As she died, Sarah asked Rasmus to kiss her and in doing so he unwittingly transferred the virus.

Whether Sarah now has the virus and if she can channel similar powers to him remains to be seen.

Rasmus struck a deal with Apollon

The end of season two saw Rasmus freely going to Apollon as he appeared to strike a deal with them.

Simone begged Ramus not to go over to them, but he decided it was his last option.

A trailer for season three sees Rasmus helping Apollon to infect people in the hopes of making everyone like him through a sort of herd immunity.

However, it doesn’t appear to be going to plan as people die – something which season two showed when Martin (Mikkel Boe Følsgaard) and Patrick (Lukas Løkken) found the secret testing laboratory where a man exploded from the virus.

The Rain season 3 will be released on Netflix on August 6

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