Doja Cat thinks her parasocial fans dont see her as a real person

Doja Cat is one of the cover subjects for Harper’s Bazaar’s Icons Issue. Do you think Doja is an icon or in any way iconic? Eh. She’s actually talented, but she seems to kind of hate her fans, and there are too many incidents where she comes across like a total sketchball (and poseur). Anyway, Doja was interviewed before the SAG-AFTRA strike, which Bazaar notes for some reason – it’s not like she’s promoting a film or any kind of struck work. She does say that she wants to move into acting though! Some highlights:

Whether or not she sees herself as an icon: “I don’t. I think I deserve love and respect from the people that I love and respect back—and I guess respect means different things to some people. I put myself out there on social media and TV. I shoot my image out onto these screens. But I don’t really put myself out there in real life. I don’t go to clubs. I stick to creating.

She loves positive feedback: “I love positive feedback. I appreciate when people speak up for someone who is getting bullied or attacked by internet trolls. … Some of the most moving moments for me have been when my fans have stood up for me or for other people. That’s fighting for something real. I really appreciate that because people like to sh-t-talk.

Parasocial relationships: “My theory is that if someone has never met me in real life, then, subconsciously, I’m not real to them. So when people become engaged with someone they don’t even know on the internet, they kind of take ownership over that person. They think that person belongs to them in some sense. And when that person changes drastically, there is a shock response that is almost uncontrollable. … I’ve accepted that that’s what happens. So I put my wigs on and take them off. I shave my head or my eyebrows. I have all the freedom in the world.

Exploring other projects: “There are other kinds of projects I want to branch out into. I want to make clothing, dabble in makeup. I want to explore acting. I would love to do movies that I believe in. I would have to stop the music for a minute. But I would be down to immerse myself in acting for a certain period of time. I love comedies and action films. I want to learn martial arts and be in a film like John Wick.

She refers to “one of my boyfriends” at one point: “I love love. I’m possibly a serial dater. I definitely have had that in me a little bit. But right now I’m in a different place in my life where I am very committed and very much in love in a different way than before. I think I’ve evolved. I’m learning to love myself, so the way that I love other people is very different. I don’t feel like a lost little teen. I feel like a woman who is coming into her own.”

[From Harper’s Bazaar]

Real question – do you think she’s lying about her age? She’s apparently 27, but for some reason, she feels older? Like, as I was reading this, it felt like she’s a woman in her 30s who reinvented herself as a young, hip badass. Anyway, I kind of like that she’s putting it out there that she wants to get some acting jobs. It will probably work – she’ll get a role in the next Fast & Furious movie or some Netflix spy movie or something.

Cover courtesy of Bazaar, additional photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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