17 Real-Life Family Secrets That Will Honestly Shock The Hell Out Of You

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us their family’s biggest secrets, and they really delivered. Here are the jaw-dropping results.

Note: Some submissions are also from this Reddit thread because they’re too juicy to ignore.

1.“When my great-uncle died in the ’90s, my family went through his stuff before selling the house. They found a very decomposed dead body of a woman in the basement freezer…”

“…It turned out to be a woman who went ‘missing’ in the ’60s. The woman also happened to be his girlfriend at the time. Newspaper clippings showed that her family thought she ran away to Europe and my great-uncle had ‘confirmed’ that she did. My family still refuses to talk about it.”


2.“My cousin is secretly a porn star. No, I won’t say who. Yes, I found out that way, by stumbling across her in a video.”


3.“My dad faked his own death in an attempt to get back at my mom for cheating on him…”

“He had a note posted outside the bedroom door that said, ‘Don’t let Karsten (me) in.’ My mom walked in and immediately began screaming. I ran to her and saw nothing but blood (which turned out to be fake), my dad, and a shotgun. We ran and called the cops. My dad didn’t even disappear or anything. He only did it to give my mom the feeling he felt when he found out she was cheating on him.”


4.“I was always told that my great-uncle died of a heart attack in a hotel room in Vegas, but I recently found out that he died mysteriously before he was set to testify against the mafia. We always assumed it was a mob hit, but nothing ever came from the investigation.”


5.“When we were teenagers, my brother and I found out that we might not be our dad’s biological kids because my mom had an affair… with our dad’s brother.”


6.“My grandparents basically swapped spouses. My grandmother on my mom’s side had an affair with my grandfather on my dad’s side. Everyone got divorced, and then the two of them got married. Family reunions were fun.”


7.“My brother recently found out that he isn’t my father’s biological son. Apparently my mom cheated on my dad a lot, but he kept taking her back. No one really questioned that my brother always looked maybe a little more Italian than the rest of us. We found out his real father is actually our next-door neighbor.”


8.“My great-grandfather randomly ran off and left his wife and three young kids during the Great Depression to start another family. My parents refuse to talk about it.”

—Sonia Leigh Burdick, Facebook

9.“My great-grandfather’s second wife had an affair… with her step-son.”


10.“When my mom was 50, she went to Denmark with my grandma and discovered that she had two older sisters and an older brother. Apparently my grandpa had been secretly married TWICE before he met my grandma…”

“…The first time, he left his wife and kids because he was a spy for the Danish government during WWII (he feared they’d be tortured or killed in order to get information about him). He remarried, and his second wife cheated on him, so he left her. When he decided to move to Canada in the ’50s, he left his kids behind again and never mentioned them. It’s so bizarre.”

—Annie MacGregor, Facebook

11.“My grandma’s infant sister went missing in the early ’30s. Her father was highly abusive and was convinced that my great-grandma was unfaithful, so he believed the baby wasn’t his. My grandma was sent away to a girls’ camp for the summer and when she came back, her sister was gone…”

“…Her parents never talked about it while she was growing up, but her mother always cried whenever she was brought up. After her father died, her mother, in old age, would speak of baby K. but never really said what happened. The way she spoke of the baby made it pretty clear that she was dead. We think he killed the baby out of anger and spite.”


12.“My mother randomly flew to me from the other side of the world right before I was scheduled to give birth. There’s a lot of history between us, and I didn’t find out until much later that she was actually planning on taking my newborn back with her to raise as her own child.”

—Alicia Wang, Facebook

13.“My aunt mysteriously disappeared before I was born. Her car was found running and her purse was still inside, parked off the side of the road. No one knows what happened to her. They didn’t even fill out a missing person’s report. It’s as if she ‘ran away.’ We’ve not seen or heard from her ever since. There’s a possibility it was murder, but my family is very hush-hush about the whole situation.”

—Mariah Thomas, Facebook

14.“My cousin’s youngest son is actually his nephew. A few people in the family caught his wife and brother in bed together. They deny it, but my little cousin looks just like his uncle and all of his other kids.”


15.“My father had an affair with his brother’s wife, and she got pregnant. So I guess my cousin is also my brother. My grandma let that slip whilst wasted. My cousin doesn’t know.”


16.“My great-great-aunt hid Jews in her apartment in Denmark during WWII. One of her neighbors saw a man in her apartment through the window and asked her about it. She knew she’d be killed if people caught her hiding Jews, so she said it was her boyfriend…”

“…At the time, a woman having a man over was scandalous, so all of her neighbors thought she was a whore, and her reputation was ruined. Still, she lived through the whole war and helped a lot of people!”


17.And “my great-great-grandma went out to dinner with her husband one night. Her husband thought she was looking at other guys, so he brought her to a hotel room and slit her throat. He left her to die, but she survived and then escaped and left him. We didn’t find this out until a few years ago through an old newspaper.”


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