A Man Said He Felt Pressured To Donate Food After Online Angry Mobs Came After Him For Throwing Away Food For A Joke

A man whose tweet about throwing an In-N-Out order in the trash said he felt pressured to respond to the joke’s backlash after it went viral.

Sam Arends, a 27-year-old from Kansas City who recently moved to Florida, first joked last week about “How to eat an In N Out Burger” by filming himself throwing an untouched order in the trash. (It’s a common joke format on Twitter.)

This time, however, Arends’ tweet was met with a barrage of angry responses.

“How to waste food and money,” someone tweeted back.

Others were upset that he purchased a full meal that was then disposed of, all for some retweets and likes. Many of the responses to his tweet have gained more endorsements in retweets and likes than the joke itself.

The fall out had grown so huge that a few days later, Arends filmed himself buying another In-N-Out order — this time, however, he gave it to an apparent homeless person he had driven past last Wednesday.

He told BuzzFeed News he did it “to prove [he] wasn’t a piece of shit.”

“I didn’t expect the tweet to blow up like it did, otherwise I probably would have never made the tweet,” he said. “The tweet was made as a joke between me and a few buddies that always argue about our fast food burger preference.”

He added that he’s not too bothered by those calling him “garbage,” a brat, and “pathetic” for his wasteful joke.

“All the negative reactions and comments don’t bother me, I actually think it’s comical,” Arends said. “I’ve got pretty thick skin.”

Unfortunately for him, the internet is relentless. And people were not satisfied.

“Nah you still wasted a fucking meal you idiot,” someone then replied.

“Cool, you bought another one and gave it to a homeless person. But you coulda given 2 burgers to 2 homeless people,” another commented.

Others who’ve been observing the fall out, then the fall out to the fall out, are simply tired. In-N-Out pocketed money from Arends twice, and no one’s laughing.

Well, perhaps In-N-Out gets the only and last laugh at the joke.

  • Tanya Chen is a social news reporter for BuzzFeed and is based in Chicago.

    Contact Tanya Chen at [email protected].

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