Everyone Is In Love With These Fashionable Women On TikTok

The internet is collectively swooning over a mysterious Chinese woman on TikTok who has more swagger than most of us could ever hope to achieve.

The account belongs to “Loora8888,” and her videos feature two very fashionable young women being generally sassy and adorable.

This umbrella moment has been particularly popular.

They’re just so charming!

It’s the woman with short hair, typically seen on the right, who has completely captured everyone’s hearts, especially queer women.

Although there’s no indication regarding how she identifies, she has a certain butch swagger that’s making some people swoon.

Naturally, people started wondering: Who is she? Many assumed (or hoped, rather) that the two are a couple.

The short-haired woman is now basically known as the hot umbrella woman.

Over on Reddit, the videos were posted to /r/ladyboners, “A place for lady loving ladies to share the ladies they love.”

“Oh god step on me,” wrote one person.

People finally tracked down the TikTok account.

It belongs to Loora Wang, a fashion designer based in China who owns a label called Loora PWD. She also has an account on Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok) that has nearly 2.5 million fans.

Here’s her show from the 2019 Shenzhen Fashion Week.

View this video on YouTube

And the two are definitely not a couple.

Wang captioned this recent video with “She is my sister?” and has started adding a #sister tag to posts.

She also clarified their relationship in a comment.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t still have a crush.

Wang doesn’t appear to be on any English-language social platforms beyond TikTok, so you’ll have to do your admiring there.

BuzzFeed News has reached out to Wang for comment.

  • Lauren Strapagiel is a reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in Toronto, Canada.

    Contact Lauren Strapagiel at [email protected].

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