Guy I met on dating site is giving me mixed messages and blocked me on Snapchat | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: A GUY I met on a dating site is giving me really mixed messages.

I’ve met him twice but I always feel as if I’m interviewing him for a job. I have to ask all the questions.

He’s 38 and I’m 31 and female.

I’ve only had two long-term relationships.

He told me that we must take things slowly as he’s getting over his last long-term relationship but I did a bit of digging and found out that his ex died.

The text messages have stopped, he’s blocked me on Snapchat, but we are still friends on Facebook and Instagram.

Do you think he’s serious about a relationship?


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DEIDRE SAYS: He may well still be grieving and dating again may feel like too much.

Keep him as a friend and if he mentions the loss he’s dealing with, encourage him to get some bereavement counselling.

Don’t hang everything on him wanting to date again – it could be that friendship is all you’ll ever have.

Get out with your friends and network.

That way it may not be too long before you find somebody special.

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